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PAARSDAM - Today, Prime Minister Wuggeh of de Republiek van Oranje en Paars made an audacious diplomatic move by declaring war on the New Sammichian Empire, joining Laurelian in an alliance against the anti-Laurelii coalition. The move will guarantee the Republic a seat at the negotiating table, but also give some well-needed relief to the Laurelii forces in the East.

Wuggeh cited the current weakened condition of the NSE as justification in the war, and stated that the wargoal of the Republic would be to force the city of Caffa to exit the NSE. Caffa is currently a rival of the Republic, and their exit from the NSE would greatly weaken the city-state, and bolster the trade power of Paarsdam on the Western Sea.

While the main forces of the NSE are fighting the Laurelii, they will not have the full strength to fight the Republic's armies in the Republic's home territory, so the land campaign will mainly be fought around Little Wangleton and Activia. With no garrison and a complete blockade from the sea, the colony of Chiffur will also surely fall to the Republic's guns.

Similarly, the only naval threat to the Republic remains Caffa, as there are no aquatic connections between the Western Sea and the rest of the Shire's bodies of water. A blockade and siege of the city shall begin, with an option given to the Viceroy of Caffa to surrender their city and join the side of the Republic.

The fight on the Western sea and the defense of the homeland begins. With high morale and a well-disciplined army, the current war for the Shire beckons the Republic in the direction of glory. Volunteer for the Republic forces today! Lang Leve de Republiek!

NOTE: This message is a declaration of war solely on the New Sammichian Empire in support of Laurelian. Should the additional members of the anti-Laurelii coalition choose to declare war on the Republic, write your declaration below.



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