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Winners of the 2017 Sci-Fi Building Competition

Thank you everyone who participated in the building competition, the entries were quite difficult to score and the final 3 was fairly close!
However, here are the winners!
Third place: Archeval
Second place: Direwolf
First place: Dawn
Thanks for everyone who voted and be ready for the next building competition in June!
However, here are the winners!
Third place: Archeval
Second place: Direwolf
First place: Dawn
Thanks for everyone who voted and be ready for the next building competition in June!

Thanks to everyone who voted for me and a special congratulations to Dawn, you really deserved the top spot2
Thank you very much! I absolutely loved your space age towering design Dire. The colors were awesome! And Archy...Please tell me you will use that design of a building for a space age city in the future
I especially loved the front face of the building.