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Shire Aviation Administration

Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
edited September 2017 in General Chat
Howdy Y'all! Just wanted to inform you of the creation of the Shire Aviation Administration (SAA).

Due to the rapid increase of aviation in the shire, I have decided it is necessary for an organization to be formed in order to ensure that Jim Bob's airplane from Clementine's over sized "huge ass" (in the words of our all might lord nebbers) airport will be able to fly safely and land and park at Billy Dave's airport in beautiful Riverwood and vis versa. The purpose of this origination is as follows:
  • Provide standard sizes for airport runways, taxiways, and gates
  • Provide navigational aids for aircraft
  • Ensure aircraft do not disturb wild life and ancient civilizations
  • Provide air traffic control services to aircraft
  • and some stuff I haven't thought of yet

The planned HQ is in Downtown Riverwood at this building that is currently under construction

Current Board Members are as follows and may or may not be updated
  • Antheus
  • OPEN
  • OPEN
  • OPEN

Thank's for your time for reading this.
Post edited by Antheus on


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  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    @Morris_h would you be interested in being a board memeber?
  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    nebbers wrote: »
    Uhhh hi, yes, I have a complaint I'd like to submit. There is an unrealistically sized airstrip located at Morris's Oldeshire Estate (just southwest of /warp architect, 3000,72,20.

    Also - is the airbase at Naoki covered by the SAA? If so, I'd ask that the SAA inspect the catapult and catch systems, because there's no way those jets have enough clearance without those systems in place.

    After close review of the airstrip located at Morris's Oldeshire Estate, I have evaluated that the airstrip is properly sized for a DHC-6 Twin Otter with a strong headwind and as such is perfectly fine. As for the private jet flying, there is no evidence of it having taken off from said strip so don't ask me about that.

    As for the catapult and catch systems, they seem sufficient for non-commercial use. Further inquires about that would have to go to the appropriate agency.
  • Options
    Antheus wrote: »
    Further inquires about that would have to go to the appropriate agency.

    Uh. I thought YOU were the appropriate agency.

    Also. Does the SAA regulate airship travel and ports as well? The Nautical and Airship port of Laurelian was built before there were regulations and we would like to stay current with standards.

    I, too, have a complaint. The airship port at Athitica seems to have questionable design flaws when viewed from above. @Jimmy may be able to answer to the SAA's board about this.
  • Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    edited September 2017
    The Solurian Empire does not accept this false aviation authority as our invisible and totally existent aviation authority system is far superior.
    EDIT: It is also completely classified so don't ask any questions please.
  • Arbiter
    edited September 2017
    can giant airports please not become the next shire trend
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    can giant airports please not become the next shire trend

    We'll run out of room! No more giant airports, plz. Airstrips or whatever are fine.

    Quick question... What does SISA stand for? Does SAA cover airship ports? Or just airplanes? If it covers airships, what regulations are you proposing?
  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    can giant airports please not become the next shire trend

    Lol I was just thinking of small air strip not a giant airport that takes up the space the size of the main island!
    nebbers wrote: »
    Quick question... What does SISA stand for? Does SAA cover airship ports? Or just airplanes? If it covers airships, what regulations are you proposing?

    Shire International Space Agency. SAA covers all airspace including airplanes and airships. No regulations at the moment we don't even have the SAA building furnished yet
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    Is there a space port for SISA yet? Where is the SISA HQ?
  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    nebbers wrote: »
    Is there a space port for SISA yet? Where is the SISA HQ?

    I think in cactus county
  • Gaijin
    edited September 2017
    nebbers wrote: »
    Is there a space port for SISA yet? Where is the SISA HQ?

    Space port? To dock space ships? Not yet, unless a space port is something else.

    And SISA HQ is indeed in Cactus County.

    Come on Nebbs, you know all this - you were there for the launch! :disappointed:
    Post edited by Humzahh on
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    EL OH EL
  • Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    I'll add a space port to my 71-long project list, just for you nebs
  • Options
    Humzahh wrote: »

    Space port? To dock space ships? Not yet, unless a space port is something else.

    And SISA HQ is indeed in Cactus County.

    Come on Nebbs, you know all this - you were there for the launch! :disappointed:

    Oh! Oh... yeah! Yeah I knew that. I was just testing you.
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    I feel like Clementine's airport is the Shire International Airport that connects the Shire to the rest of the (unknown) world, and the other airports that we may or may not build are more like municipal airports.


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