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Membership - Paganisrock

Hi, I am Miles, from the United States. I am 17. I have had minecraft for a while, I played it a little back in 2012, and I recently just started playing it again after seeing a few videos in my youtube suggestion box. I have never been on a server before, and I have always wanted to. I like the rules and ideas of Shirecraft, and I feel like it is the type of server I am looking for, where I can trust others and have a great moderation team. I want to build a nice looking house, with some redstone elements. I plan to make it integrated into a forest, but not a tree house. I was just looking up minecraft servers, and was reading descriptions, and this one caught my eye, notably because it is not based around mods or PVP.
Hey @Paganisrock
Thanks for applying.
I've accepted your application, and promoted you to our 'Tyrule' rank; we're looking forward to seeing what you create.
Information that will help you to get started may be found here:
If you have any questions, we're here to help — ask away in our 'Support Area' forum.
Best regards,
The Shire1