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WEASEL NEWS: Archaeologists discover evidence of Lost Era of Shire's past.


WEASEL NEWS!! Bringing the news of the Shire to you!
Mick McRay: We now go live to our correspondent Jack Bacon for some breaking news from an Archeological Dig near Saguaria. Jack, can you tell us what's occuring?
Jack Bacon: Well Mick, in the last few hours, we've heard reports from inside the Dig that there has been a number of new discoveries that might be the remains of a possible Lost Era from the Shire's past.

Using scanners, Scientists have confirmed that the remains found at the dig were not only of a lost Race but that they also pre-date the Prehistory Era by 100,000 years. What the Archaeologists have stumbled upon could be one of Histories greatest discoveries. Though it leaves more answers, we'll find out in the coming hours on whether or not this might be a los- [Explosions, followed by screams & more Gunshots leads to a "Technical Fault"]
MM: Jack? What's going on?
JB: We've just been informed by our translator that the site is under attack from the Terrorist group Tidal Storm. We're also getting told that the Private Military force known as "The Judges" are attempting to protect the site from Tidal Storm's attack. We'll update you soon on the current situation. But for now, this is Jack Bacon of Weasel News, signing off.
MM: Here's hoping Jack survives that [BLEEP]. Costed us a bloody fortune to buy him from 5Chan News. We'll be back tomorrow with more news about the dig. Until then, have a good night.
