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WEASEL NEWS: Tidal Storm releases demands & Interview with "The Judges"

Member, Wiki Editor
edited February 2018 in Shire Global News
WEASEL NEWS!! Bringing the news of the Shire to you!
Mick McRay: Breaking News now, and it appears that Tidal Storm have released their demands on video. We will play the video but be warned, it contains disturbing imagery.
[From the Video:] Citizens of the Shire. We are Tidal Storm.
The man who sits before you is Jack Bacon, a prominent News Reporter for the so-called WEASEL NEWS. What was being discovered at that dig shouldn't be uncovered, as some things are left to be buried.
Therefore, we will give the Archaeologists 3 days to cease their Archeological Digs & destroy everything they've uncovered. We also demand that $100M is transferred by all the Government's of the Shire into a account that will be untraceable.
If these demands are not met at the end of those 3 days, Mr. Bacon will be publicly executed live on & more attacks will occur.
You have been warned.
[Video ends]
MM: That was Tidal Storm's demands. Whilst we showed the video, we were able to get an exclusive interview with the Commander of The Judges, Joseph Dreddpool. Mr. Dreddpool, thanks for joining me.
Joseph Dreddpool: A pleasure Mick. It's a shame that only WEASEL NEWS is keeping track of the Tidal Storm attacks.
MM: So out of curiosity, what will you now be doing, as I've heard that the Dig team have fired your Force. I've been hearing rumours that you'll be mounting a Raid on possible Tidal Storm warehouses, right?
JD: We cannot confirm or deny these rumours, but we'll do everything we can to free your Reporter.
MM: Thank you Mr. Dreddpool. Unfortunately, we've run out of time, so we'll be back soon with more news on Tidal Storm. Till then, stay safe Shireton's.
Post edited by Judge_Dreddpool on


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