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Gamma: Well, They've Done It: Accused Caffan Legislators Magically Reappear In Fulfwotz

Bailey Gawker-Smith
Thursday 8:31pm
Filed under: News
It's hardly news when the New Sammichian Empire again violates an international treaty, agreement, or law. It's been a slow news day.
In a totally-precedented turn of events, the five Caffan secessionist legislators who fled the city following Imperial occupation have somehow found their way back to the nation's capital. They were spotted being hurried into the Grand Hotel Capitolae surrounded by a posse of police officers and none other than the Magistrax Militae -- the Emperor's elite squadron of unfettered goons.
Who'da thunk that the Emperor might've had a hand in all of this?!
It can be presumed that the legislators (Quarto Ventimiglia, Amos Ragonese, Eliano Tufano, Savina Magnotti, Vincenzo Monterosso) are being held under arrest in the luxurious state-run hotel, the favorite of visiting foreign delegations, awaiting trial for loooong list of accusations, namely treason and inciting open rebellion against the NSE. What proves most curious is that these lawmakers are being treated with fine dining and feather pillows, as opposed to the cots and concrete walls most enemies of the state are granted by the Empire. Is the NSE showing uncharacteristic mercy, or is she wine-and-dining a foe before she pounds them in the a**?
We think it's probably the latter. Uh oh.
However, the acquisition of the Caffan secessionists has more dire implications when it pertains to the murky swamp of international politics, which the NSE traverses with a frightening degree of impunity. The presence of the accused in Fulfwotz means they were brought from Laurelian (come on, we ALL know that's where they went), and they definitely were not legally extradited. Laurelian's tricky policies regarding disclosing the presence of political refugees prohibit knowledge of whether or not they were actually granted asylum, but if they were, it is in direct violation of international law and can lead to a variety of consequences.
Firstly, either the High Chancellor or Emperor can be brought before the SUN International Court (SUNIC). This wouldn't be the first time; the Emperor stood upon the marbled courtroom floor twice before. 1934 saw him tried for war crimes in the Great War, for which he was acquitted. 2007 saw him put on trial for confiscating another political refugee from Riverwood, for which he was also acquitted, due to "lack of evidence detailing personal involvement". Saying the Emperor has no personal involvement in the machinations of his domain is like saying I have no personal involvement in typing out this article right now.
Secondly, the Kiinthira might decide to place sanctions on the NSE. While this in of itself might not have that much of an effect, given that the two nations hardly trade as it is, it may compel other countries to follow suit. This could spell economic trouble and alienation for the NSE, as well as further conflict down the road.
Lastly, the Empire might just receive another slap-on-the-wrist and be sent on its way. For whatever reason why, the NSE seems to rarely suffer the consequences of its actions. Is it the Emperor's popularity abroad? Is it because other countries just don't think entangling its affairs with those of the Empire are worth it? Or is it because everyone is scared to stand up to the schoolyard bully?
We'll have to wait and see. The secessionists may be out of Laurelian now, but the ball is certainly in its court.
About the Author
Bailey Gawker-Smith
Staff writer for Gamma and critic of stupid people doing stupid things. I am my own worst critic.
Elsewhere on Gamma
We Found Footage Of Sophia Black Choking On A Scallop In 2011 And It's Glorious
Meet The Man Who Claims Bees Are Capable Of Speech
Best Recipes To Help You Forget You're Eating Tofu, A White Block Of Nothing
2017's Greatest Red Carpet Disasters: Youth Edition
Prepare for incoming snobbery and douchery from your favorite Laurelii press team
If the NSE was smart they'd stop doing things that aren't smart.
Huh, do you think the Emperor wakes up, looks in the mirror, and says "who am I going to piss off today?" We might have more in common than I thought!
think the laurelii will declare war? oh whoa wait a second LOL
Thursday 8:31pm
Filed under: News
It's hardly news when the New Sammichian Empire again violates an international treaty, agreement, or law. It's been a slow news day.
In a totally-precedented turn of events, the five Caffan secessionist legislators who fled the city following Imperial occupation have somehow found their way back to the nation's capital. They were spotted being hurried into the Grand Hotel Capitolae surrounded by a posse of police officers and none other than the Magistrax Militae -- the Emperor's elite squadron of unfettered goons.
Who'da thunk that the Emperor might've had a hand in all of this?!
It can be presumed that the legislators (Quarto Ventimiglia, Amos Ragonese, Eliano Tufano, Savina Magnotti, Vincenzo Monterosso) are being held under arrest in the luxurious state-run hotel, the favorite of visiting foreign delegations, awaiting trial for loooong list of accusations, namely treason and inciting open rebellion against the NSE. What proves most curious is that these lawmakers are being treated with fine dining and feather pillows, as opposed to the cots and concrete walls most enemies of the state are granted by the Empire. Is the NSE showing uncharacteristic mercy, or is she wine-and-dining a foe before she pounds them in the a**?
We think it's probably the latter. Uh oh.
However, the acquisition of the Caffan secessionists has more dire implications when it pertains to the murky swamp of international politics, which the NSE traverses with a frightening degree of impunity. The presence of the accused in Fulfwotz means they were brought from Laurelian (come on, we ALL know that's where they went), and they definitely were not legally extradited. Laurelian's tricky policies regarding disclosing the presence of political refugees prohibit knowledge of whether or not they were actually granted asylum, but if they were, it is in direct violation of international law and can lead to a variety of consequences.
Firstly, either the High Chancellor or Emperor can be brought before the SUN International Court (SUNIC). This wouldn't be the first time; the Emperor stood upon the marbled courtroom floor twice before. 1934 saw him tried for war crimes in the Great War, for which he was acquitted. 2007 saw him put on trial for confiscating another political refugee from Riverwood, for which he was also acquitted, due to "lack of evidence detailing personal involvement". Saying the Emperor has no personal involvement in the machinations of his domain is like saying I have no personal involvement in typing out this article right now.
Secondly, the Kiinthira might decide to place sanctions on the NSE. While this in of itself might not have that much of an effect, given that the two nations hardly trade as it is, it may compel other countries to follow suit. This could spell economic trouble and alienation for the NSE, as well as further conflict down the road.
Lastly, the Empire might just receive another slap-on-the-wrist and be sent on its way. For whatever reason why, the NSE seems to rarely suffer the consequences of its actions. Is it the Emperor's popularity abroad? Is it because other countries just don't think entangling its affairs with those of the Empire are worth it? Or is it because everyone is scared to stand up to the schoolyard bully?
We'll have to wait and see. The secessionists may be out of Laurelian now, but the ball is certainly in its court.
About the Author
Bailey Gawker-Smith
Staff writer for Gamma and critic of stupid people doing stupid things. I am my own worst critic.
Elsewhere on Gamma
We Found Footage Of Sophia Black Choking On A Scallop In 2011 And It's Glorious
Meet The Man Who Claims Bees Are Capable Of Speech
Best Recipes To Help You Forget You're Eating Tofu, A White Block Of Nothing
2017's Greatest Red Carpet Disasters: Youth Edition
Prepare for incoming snobbery and douchery from your favorite Laurelii press team
If the NSE was smart they'd stop doing things that aren't smart.
Huh, do you think the Emperor wakes up, looks in the mirror, and says "who am I going to piss off today?" We might have more in common than I thought!
think the laurelii will declare war? oh whoa wait a second LOL
Riverwood is proud to announce it has no opinion on this due to celebrations regarding the completion of the Riverwood Capitol: A two month project that ran for almost two years and went $7.9 billion over budget.15
@Antheus advertise on your own fucking post11
Prepare for incoming snobbery and douchery from your favorite Laurelii press team
I.... see.0