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Membership - That_One_Guy_XP

Hi, my name is Kage, I am almost 18, and I have been playing minecraft for about 6-5 years now. I have mostly built on Pocket Edition but I really want to share my talent on a server. I have built German bunkers, giant mansions, research labs, and much much more. I really want to build a winter lodge right off the start. I found out about the server on the GameRanx channel in their crazy things minecraft players have done video. Something about me is I love computers. I just upgraded my graphics and I am getting a new ssd soon. I may upload videos of the server once I do.
Hey @That_One_Guy_XP
Thanks for applying.
I've accepted your application, and promoted you to our 'Tyrule' rank; we're looking forward to seeing what you create.
Information that will help you to get started may be found here:
If you have any questions, we're here to help — ask away in our 'Support Area' forum.
Best regards,
The Shire0