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Oranjestad De-Colonization Auction 3: The Thirdening

Oranjestad announces all FOUR remaining Enpeecee Colonial assets are now up for sale.

Gerlach: This is a RARE OLDESHIRE colony! Located x:2245 z:-740, just south of Colony Bay, NW of Athitica, and NE of Phasma. This is the only place in the world that produces the famous Gerlach Cheese.

Waldorph: Home of the world-famous Utility Muffin Research Kitchen! Located x:1240 z: -3800, just west of Orikami and east of Drosvenar.

Coda: This island colony is located at x:-1500 z:-6800 This used to be near Clementine until an airport just about crushed it...

Big League: Just northeast of Ebethron at x:2400 z:4300. Very close to Sammichian holdings Cathedral and Fort Woolowotz

I am accepting any and all bids, including $ donations to the server. If you do bid, consider what you might bring to the table to help these communities, such as new builds or infrastructure. Oranjestad will not accept exchanges of land. If you don't want to post your bid, you can always PM me. Bidding will take place between April 23 and May 1, and I reserve the right to reject any and all bids if I so choose. You can still bid even if you've won other bids in the past.


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  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    edited April 2018
    The State of Riverwood would like to bid on the colony of Big League. Should Riverwood win, the colony would immediately become a part of the Commonwealth of Venezia Nuova and would enjoy the benefits of membership such as:
    • Expedited STA Service
    • In State Tuition Rates at UoR
    • Safety and Security of Venice
    • A One-Time 10% Off Coupon at Any Participating Costa Copy Valid April 23, 2018 through December 31, 2018 May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer While Supplies Last
    • Access to the Finest Bricks and Glowstone in the Shire
    • In the Event That the Ruler of Riverwood Should No Longer Be Able To Rule, @CoffeeAndChill Would Be Able To Rule
    • Why am I Typing Like This

    Riverwood would contribute to the construction of defenses to prevent coastal erosion, improvements of infrastructure, and repairs and updates to old buildings. Furthermore, Riverwood would agree to not go to any war with any neighbors for any reason. Other offers are on the table on a need to know basis.
    Post edited by Antheus on
  • Arbiter, Engineer, Wiki Editor
    Two impoverished residents of Big League who hope to see a future that Oranjestad can not provide
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    De Republiek van Oranje en Paars extends another formal offer to Oranjestad for Coda.

    The Island of Coda would receive:

    - Dual citizenship with Oranjestad and the Republic, allowing citizens to still visit their families and friends in Oranje County while retaining the benefits of Republic citizenship
    - A hospital, school, and post office, because it will be a far-flung colony and must self-govern.
    - Another big, fancy purple and orange flag
    - A dock and storage facility for ease of access and transport
  • Options
    The New Sammichian Empire respectfully places a bid on the village of Waldorph.

    Benefits the town would receive include:
    • Fast-tracked NSE citizenship for all residents
    • Environmental aid to help fix the multi-biome chaos descending upon the village
    • Representation within the Imperial Chancellery, including Representatives, Chancers, and a Chancellor
    • Government-funded housing development

    Benefits Oranjestad would receive include:
    • A wire transfer of an undisclosed sum of money from the Emperor to Lord Nebbers himself
    • A collection of furs from across the Empire's holdings
    • A 25% return on all tax revenue from Waldorph for a period of five years

    The NSE hopes Oranjestad and Lord Nebbers will look kindly upon its offer.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    edited April 2018
    > @Antheus said:
    > Expedited STA Service

    > @Antheus said:
    > Two impoverished residents of Big League who hope to see a future that Oranjestad can not provide
    Those poor guys :-(
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    The Equos Government would like to bid on the Gerlach colony for several reasons that will benefit Gerlach and the Shire overall

    We are interested in expanding the Gerlach industry within the colony, providing jobs to Gerlach residents and Equos residents alike. The Gerlach Cheese would be used to create Gerlach based fine dining menus at Ayu's Equian fine dining establishments. This will benefit in the following ways:
    1. Improving the economy of Gerlach
    2. Providing patrons of Ayu's hands on learning experience about Gerlach culture
    3. Overall preservation of the rich Gerlach culture and increasing awareness of Gerlach
    4. Make Gerlach cheese readily available throughout the Equos Empire and perhaps throughout The Shire

    the Equos Empire is ready to offer you:
    1. Guarantee Gerlach village a booming economy without loss of culture and authenticity
    2. Guarantee Oranjestad empire a 30% of Ayu's exclusive Gerlach menu sales
    3. Oranjestad residents will receive 30% off Gerlach menu items at all Ayu's restaurants
    4. Oranjestad will also benefit from naming specialty Gerlach based dishes for the Ayu's Gerlach menu
  • Lord
    edited April 2018
    The auction is over! Oranjestad has the right to reject any offer, even if it is the only one - however, we're pleased to announce that all four offers have been accepted:

    Gerlach will go the Equos Government! We're looking forward to seeing Gerlach Cheese on more menus throughout the world. Your new village was named after the real-life town of Gerlach, Nevada,_Nevada , which is the last town you encounter before entering Black Rock Desert (where Burning Man takes place).

    Waldorph will go to the NSE! We're in agreement that the biome situation is a mess. We're looking forward to seeing the government subsidized housing for the underprivileged citizens of the area as well. Waldorph was named after the Waldorf Astoria for no other reason than it kinda popped in my head when I was thinking of a name.

    Coda will go to the De Republiek van Oranje en Paars! We're excited to see another Orange and Purple flag fly over another former colony. We're especially looking forward to seeing some of the government services you'll be providing. I'm not entirely sure what Coda was named after - I had a 'Coda Quest' for a while, and I may have been looking at Coda web code editing at the time. It's a mystery.

    Big League will go to Riverwood! For WorldGuard mapping purposes, both Antheus and Coffeeandchill will become owners of the city. We're looking forward to seeing the new infrastructure improvements you'll be making. Big League was discovered and claimed at the height of the 2016 presidential campaign. No one was quite sure if Trump was saying "Bigly" or "Big League". So that's where the name came from.

    Wiki pages are updated and I'll update worldguard region details today.


    There will not be an immediate Part 4 auction - rather, other areas will be listed for sale but with no time limit.
    Post edited by nebbers on
  • Options
  • Options
    (I know it's a bit late)
    *golf claps*


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