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shufflehack Member
edited May 2014 in General Chat
Last week I began working with my new creation, I am going to build my own version of the fictional park "Bucketheadland". :)

I feel very creative about this idea, and I haven't made a town on this server before. In this discussion I will post requests and other things about this creation.
First thing: I have a request to build roads/paths in this town, so far I have only made the flat central part (which is a cemetery) and I need to get permission to build the road inside and outside of it. Here's the link to the pictures of my request:


  • You don't need permission to build roads within your own area.  Highways between cities need approval, thats all :)  Are you needing help making them?  Looks cool!  I visited it yesterday.

    Side note:  My favorite Buckethead songs: Ghost-Part 2 from Colma, Unemployment Blues of Bucketheadland 2, and anything off Electric Tears :)
  • Cool! Then I'll just continue to build! Thanks! :D

    Side note: My favorite of all the Buckethead songs is Welcome To Bucketheadland, from the Blueprints demo that he made in 1991. The solo part is a killer, and he nailed it when he was only 22 years old or something. He probably decided early to spend his time inside his room, playing guitar. Insane!