Protests Staged Outside Of Emperor's Villa se Vespania

VESPANNE- Emperor Sammus of the New Sammichian Empire arrived at his family's summer palace this morning, greeted by a large student protest demanding the return of countless foreign artifacts held at the estate.
The Emperor, who spends the entire month of June at the Villa every year, parted the crowd with his motorcade and did not make an appearance before the protesters. One female participant managed to pass through the open gates and proceeded to strike the windows of the Emperor's limousine before allegedly being tasered and apprehended by authorities.
Protests such as this have become an almost annual occurrence when the Emperor comes to Vespanne. The palace, built in 1767 and expanded a number of times by Queen Vespania VII of the former Kingdom of Fulfwotz, has been the favored summer retreat of the Ich Dynasty for centuries. It is the largest royal dwelling in the world, and its sprawling gardens, lavish interior, and various events attract roughly 3 million people every year.
Despite this, the palace has become a topic of contention especially in recent years owing to its vast collection of artifacts and antiquities hailing from Fulfwotz's colonial legacy. Many of the sculptures, monuments, and other relics that fill the palace's apartments and gardens were lifted from former colonies of the Kingdom of Fulfwotz with the express purpose of furnishing the estate; most controversial are those that were outright looted during the carnage of the Great War. Among the Villa's contentious possessions are the twin obelisks flanking the Court of Triumph, taken from desert ruins upon which the Crotean Empire now claims jurisdiction; the Four Syphogrants, a set statues transported from a temple in the Enpeecee city-state of Abbada which now decorate the palace's gardens; Neithokira's Diadem, the tiara of the legendary Laurelii Mathaana which was raided from an Athitican freight train carrying Laurelii artifacts from a museum exhibit back to the country as the war escalated; the Prophet's Chalice, a silver goblet which was taken from Baba during the Overtaker siege of the capital city; and, most infamously, the twin Babite Sphinxes laying beside the rotunda in the Villa's gardens, looted from the same siege as the chalice.
The Sultanate of Baba has been quite vocal lately in demanding the return of its artifacts, even threatening to impose sanctions on the NSE. The nation's Minister of Culture asserted that "...the proud Sultanate of Baba can no longer remain silent as relics so central to the culture and identity of our nation now only act as decorations in the palace of a madman." Tensions between Baba and the NSE have escalated as the result of these demands, a departure from the usually-friendly relations the two countries enjoy as the NSE's predecessor state was instrumental in placing the current Babite regime in power.
The Imperial Ministry of State has repeatedly affirmed that it would be the Ich Dynasty's decision whether or not to return the artifacts, as they have become considered the private property of the family within the Empire's borders. So far, the Emperor has refused to comment on his intentions, with the exception of last month when the Babite government called for a boycott of the Villa se Vespania, attempting to deprive it of visitors and revenue -- the Emperor sardonically replied by saying that it would then "be easier to maintain."
Edgar Montoya, Havana - can someone see the emperor took my phone too I cant find it
Alex Kaufferson, Tomoya - @Edgar Montoya yeah its here bro
Tenny Mathis, Emelle - @Alex Kaufferson can you see if my panties are there too?
Alex Kaufferson, Tomoya - @Tenny Mathis theres literally like 40 pairs here what color are they
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