Membership - DigitalEyez16
Hello my name is DigitalEyez16
I discovered your server when I was browsing for a server that has talented builders and creative buildings. The country that I live in is the down under (Australia), I'm 17 years old and I want to join so I can share my creativity with everyone that joins your server and hope to inspire other players with my creations. I have many hobbies other then Minecraft and they include archery, scouts, hiking, sketching, painting, and photography. If you wish to know even more about me I'll give you some facts about myself (as requested I should) I hand drew a comic and sold it at my school when I was in the 6th grade and raised money for charity, I'm a huge Marvel fan, and irl I may look like a tough guy but I'm a softie.
Thank you for reading my application and I hope you have a brilliant day.
Hey @Ether_Atomic
Thank you for your membership application. You have some fun-sounding hobbies! 😁
I've accepted your application, and promoted you to our 'Tyrule' rank.
Information that will help you to get started may be found here:
If you have any questions, then we're here to help — ask in our 'Support Area' forum.
Enjoy !