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Membership - luchitana

Top_G Jaide
Top_G Jaide Member
edited December 2022 in Join Us
My Minecraft name is luchitana.
I live in .
How did I find The Shire? YouTube video..
The first thing I'd like to create on The Shire is... Pirate cove!.
-Top_G Jaide


  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer

    Hello and welcome!

    Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to the rank of “Tyrule”. To get started, connect to and run the command /warp tyrule. Follow the directions on the signs to get started with your Tyrule build.

    Please familiarise yourself with our server rules at Especially important are our rules about originality and etiquette.

    You are now eligible to join our Discord! Find out more at

    If you have any questions please ask a staff member in-game, on the forums, or on Discord. We look forward to seeing your creations on the server!