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vocksel is broke again

edited May 2014 in Support Area
yeah I don't have access to it... **==


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    okay then... I suppose I'll just wait for a lord to drop by..
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    Nebbs could you please remove the limit for my voxel size? (/b [#]) and maybe remove the limitation for /b cp which is limtied to 10,000 making it very frustrating for me and others, I will be very thankful if you could. :D
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    It's limited because you're listed as a LiteSniper rather than a FullSniper, I beleive.
  • Arbiter
    edited June 2014
    I have FullSniper commands but /goto, /vs weather, and /b limited.
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Nope, fullsniper here, can confirm /b is limited to 10. /b cp is limited to 10,000 because of the way VoxelSniper was coded, I don't think depends on the person. Use /b st instead.
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    what does /b cp do?
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    /b cp is a Voxelsniper copy paste brush, WorldEdit copy paste is much much better though. Unless you're pasting specific things arbitrarily in the world (ie custom trees, etc, not wall segments) 
    /b st is an alternative to /b cp, but it functions similarily. Both brushes are just using arrows to select a region, and gunpowder to paste them on a world.  
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Copy pasta is my second favourite brush! :D
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    I.. I still need help...
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    I was told to get a permission node but I have no idea what the hell that is
  • Arbiter
    is the copy paste bruch any better then world edits?
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    no, there's a block limit which is super annoying
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    Ok, can someone please just help me? It's been like a week and I really need voxel. 
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    I think I gave it to you yesterday morning.  Try now.
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    I have it now. Thanks nebron!
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    sorted. discussion closed. :D
This discussion has been closed.