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Fulfwotz Wiki Article

Sammiches822 Arbiter
edited June 2014 in Gameplay
I was told if I wanted a wiki article for fulfwotz I should post it here.
Fulfwotz is the seat of the fictional Fulfwotz Empire that dominates a large portion of the Shire. Fulfwotz can refer to the city itself, or the entire empire as a whole. The emperor of fulfwotz is Sammiches822. Fulfwotz the city boasts a large population and number of buildings, which are usually half-timber structures with sandstone. Buildings in Fulfwotz are generally spacious and luxurious, with many different types. It is also noted that buildings in the city are rooted on a natural, unedited landscape, instead of a flat plain. It lacks a grid road system, which makes the buildings further apart from one another and the roads are winding. The city plan is broken up into a number of distrcits, many based around major landmarks or buildings in that specific district. Fulfwotz also includes a bustling port, and the Royal Seat of the Emperor, Castle Mugg. Castle Mugg is situated on a large, rocky island in the middle of the Estabol Sound, along with the port. It appears as a large, menacing castle made of stone and dark oak. It has three main keeps, and a large bridge that goes from the city to the castle. It is commonly asked why the bridge has no supports, and it is likely going to stay that way.

Facts and Statistics 
Fulfwotz's main exports are timber, gold, jewelry, silverware, spices, and medicine. It's main imports are wine, silver, sandstone, and balloons. Trade with Fulfwotz is especially valuable since it is isolated from the rest of the Shire. It is considered the epicenter of the South, and lies in a temperate climate. Fulfwotz is the second-most populous city, behind Venice. It is also affiliated with Venice, the two cities trading with each other and having embassies in their cities. It is hard to place Fulfwotz in a specific time period based on it's technology, as it is noted as having computers and televisions and plastic surgery, yet still using torches as their main source of light. Fulfwotz is a generally wealthy city and empire, with most of their income coming from trade and the mines beneath the city. While it has a somewhat high socioeconomic status, ghettos still exist in the city, and crime is an issue. The most ghetto districts are Seaside Park, in the South Side of the city, and the Northern area of the Well District, where drug trafficking is common and exotic clubs exist to serve the sleaziest of citizens. Its main currency is the Shire Paper Bill (SPB), which most of the Shire uses. Use of coins also exists here. Its main religion is the Sammichian Religion. It is near the Cathedral of Atheos.

War of Conquest
During the recent War of Conquest, Fulfwotz was one of the main forces. Fulfwotz tried taking over the entirety of the Shire, until Batman, lord of a dwarven settlement, resisted Emperor Sammich when he tried annexing his fortress. This is known as The Liberator's Stand. Emperor Sammich declared war, and alliances were made. In the end, the Empire lost the war, but in truth Fulfwotz became more powerful than ever. It was transformed from a Kingdom into an Empire during the War, and settled several colonies. Greenvale, Summerstone, and Floffwym were built during the war, while Leif, Cathedral, Paris, Demma, and Al' Zingahashbrown were already built and annexed. Over time Fulfwotz successfully occupied 1/30 of the entire Shire, and still holds these lands. Several castles and palaces were also built. While the capital suffered a small level of destruction from the Occupation of Fulfwotz, it was soon rebuilt. An obelisk was erected in memory of the lives lost fighting for Fulfwotz. 

Political System
Fulfwotz, for the most part, is a monarchy. It is ruled by a single emperor. For each colony, town, and city, a Chancellor is put in place, who rules that settlement. The chancellor of Fulfwotz, Ben, is the High Chancellor and presides over all the others, while the Emperor presides over, well, everything. Rulers of Fulfwotz were always noted to have danced on the edge of madness, and would make irrational and unpopular descisions, so hundreds of years ago a High Council was put in place. It is mysterious as no one knows who is on it besides those who are actually a part of it. They are able to overturn decisions by a vote, although the Emperor has 10 alotted vetos he can use in his reign. Only large decisions that affect the entire empire are brought before the High Council. They also serve to give the Emperor good counsel. The Empire is known for its propaganda. In some unruly colonies, such as Al' Zingahashbrown, there are posters that say such things as "Fulfwotz is God, and to go against Fulfwotz is to go against God." The political system is overall powerful, and still want more power. The Empire is allied with Oblitus, ruled by King Ender II, and Venezia, goverened by Andrew. 
