Website maintenance in progress
Chat room so we can be nerds together :)

I set up an IRC channel. Go here And connect to #shirecraft

Im all alone0
Is the irc channel still up and running?0
presumably, but as I predicted... it doesn't get used! :PIn my opinion, adding more means of communicating with each other is pointless with a community of our size. Our forum isn't hugely active as it is, we have an inactive subreddit and an official Teamspeak server. We should work on increasing activity in our preexisting communication areas before adding extras such as IRC.0
we should also get rid of dynmap *nudge nudge*-7
wow sam could you be any more obnoxious/ obvious0
We use teamspeak a lot, im always trying to get people in it. I would use IRC more if it was connected to the server with CraftIRC though..2