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Meth Lab Explosion in Fulfwotz

Sammiches822 Arbiter
edited December 2014 in Shire Global News
Linda Versachery, SGN Journalist

Sunday morning at 3:08 am, residents of the affluent Feverly Hills district of Fulfwotz woke reeling after a loud explosion was heard. Over 15 mildly concerned citizens called 911, and the Feverly Hills Fire Department soon rushed to the scene. The source of the explosion was found to be the mansion of world-reknowned actress and horse enthusiast Josie Rocks. The western end of the home burned for over an hour before it was completely put out, and the celebrity was rescued from the building with only mild burns.
After investigating the scene, police and firefighters discovered that the explosion was not caused by a gas leak, as Josie had insisted, but actually a sophisticated meth lab being operated by the actress. Over 135 kilograms of crystal meth was also found stored in the basement, all confiscated by F.I.G. (Fulfwotz Imperial Guard). Due to Josie's only minor injuries, it can be concluded that she was not present and operating the meth lab when it exploded. She has been taken to the F.I.G. Headquarters for questioning.
"yas i was clenng windos wen some thig explodid i sed way is tihs hapening i went donstars and my hosue was on fire defitly not meth labb i thot so i caled police but now im beng arested way am i bieng arasted" Josie told SGN during a brief interview at the scene of the mishap. Other witnesses, such as her neighbor, Beatrice Virgina, claimed they saw something else.
"It was all very surreal," Virgina said. "I heard the explosion, jumped out of bed, and ran to my window. I saw her home across the street, and it was on fire! I called 911, and I saw Ms. Rocks throwing crystal meth out of her window. I suppose she was trying to salvage the best supply. She then started shouting out the window, telling her 'hores' to bring the meth to some man named Aidan. Then the fire was put out, around an hour later."
The incident ironically coincides with the release of her newest movie; "Harmony in Hell," where she plays Extra #127 in the city chase scene. Many people condemn her actions, while many believe they are empowering to women, showing them that not only men can make and sell drugs.
After investigations by F.I.G., it was concluded that Josie Rocks had acquired over 2.5 billion dollars through manufacturing and distributing her meth.

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Rudy McLovin, Leuton- where am i going to get my meth now ffs

Doc McStuffins, Knavobuki- GOOD FOR HER!!!! this is what we need in this world...... GOOD STRONG WOMEN!!!! DOWN THE THE MALE SH*TLORDS WHO OPPRESS OUR RIGHTS TO CREATE DRUGS!!!

Aidan Rocks, Tyronak- wtf where is the meth??? the horse never came

Martin LeSaque, Fulfwotz- well my home's land value just dropped significantly 
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