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Sammiches822 Arbiter
edited December 2014 in Off Topic
One night, long ago...

An Emperor, A Traitor, A Worm, and a Hero visited the Opera House. The night was cold, nipping at their frosty cheeks as they entered the monolithic building. They turned the lights on. "We're not supposed to be here!" the Traitor hissed. It was no matter... Charades would happen tonight.

They all took their turns, but there was one who would hesitate. The hero in black, the savior of bats. His hands ran clammy and cold when his accomplices turned to him. "I'd really rather not go," he told them. Yet they begged, pleaded, and asked him to perform. He was not one to just express himself so easily. But what would they think of him when he denied performing? What Hero can save us when he cannot even play a game of Charades?

No Hero.

He climbed onto the stage, sweat trickling down his skin, his suit heavy, his head dizzy. Rows and rows of seats spiraled around him, yet only three were filled, the eyes of the occupants staring into his.He crouched behind the stagelight as his heartbeat thumped in his head. He lifted his gloved hands, and drew a box in the air. He stepped outside of the box.

"TV Show!" his friends cried.

For Batman

