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URGENT**Issue with Parent Regions**URGENT

Sammiches822 Arbiter
edited February 2015 in Support Area
[b][/b]I recently discovered that Demmatrodine was made into a region, but it's causing a lot of trouble. First off, parent regions... Since Demmatrodine encompasses all other regions inside of it, such as Fulfwotz, New Enderton, Blue's ice palace, etc etc, anyone who is added to the Demmatrodine region can now build in any of those regions... AKA, anyone yeoman+ can now build in any region within Demmatrodine. Attempting to fix this for Fulfwotz, I made Fulfwotz the parent region of Demmatrodine, hoping it would make Fulfwotz's permissions above that of Demmatrodine, and only added people would be able to build there. But now I get no greeting or farewell from Fulfwotz, only a **Demmatrodine message. I tested this by going to New Enderton, and having rabble place a block there. Note, NE is inside Demmatrodine, and rabble was not added to the NE region. Can someone fix this? It's very irritating and you have no idea when you're entering Fulfwotz.


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