Website maintenance in progress
Polaris Mall (/warp mall) organization

Member, Engineer, Wiki Editor
in Support Area
The warp for the mall (newly opened to yeoman rank) has some inconsistencies so I made a list of them, for future reference. I know it's not high up in terms of importance but it's here for when anyone needs it.
-- missing
&& repeated in same shop
// wrong block underneath
Uncle Dave's Freerange Meat Pegleg Perry's Wood Shop
-- cooked pork -- fence
-- cooked steak -- half slab
-- cooked chicken -- stair
-- rotten flesh -- fencegate
Continued in reply 1 since length issues
The Builder's Depot/The Crafter's Depot&& mossy cobblestone // end stone&&// diamond block && redstone ore&&// iron block &&// coal ore&&// lapis block &&// iron ore&&// gold block &&// gold ore// stonebrick stairs &&// lapis ore// seamless slab (now quartz)&& sandstone heiro&& sandstone blankContinued in reply 2 since length1
Handy Joe's Tools-- wooden shovel -- wood axe-- stone shovel -- stone axe-- gold shovel -- gold axe-- iron shovel -- iron axe-- diamond shovel -- diamond axeSofter Than Air Clothing-- gold helmet-- gold chest-- gold pants-- gold boots2
What a mess! You might have better luck at the Venice mall. But i'll look into getting these fixed4