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SPIEZnutz Member
edited April 2015 in Archived Applications
Hello!  I'm lacking in creativity and even more lacking in outlets for what little creativity I do have.  My therapist told me that seeing my ideas come to life would be good for me, and when I told her Minecraft had a social element to it, she thought it was an even better idea for me to join.  So, basically, this is doctor prescribed therapy.  As far as choosing your Minecraft server, google is the secret to life.

I'm pretty old, not so old that I didn't grow up on video games, but old enough to know what my favorite bourbons are, and jaded enough to be angry when a bar doesn't stock them.

Some random favorite quotes to help you get acquainted with the underpinnings of my mind: 
I like my Jesus to party.
The Cake is a lie.
I'm serious, that's what is says, a horrible person - we weren't even testing for that.
Your mom goes to college.
Because THAT's how we get ANTS!
You boys like Mexico?!
Good morning gentlemen the temperature is 110 degrees.
Rule #71  No excuses!  Play like a champion!
Merr Man... *cough cough* merMAN!
Lighten up, Francis!

I'm a former male model, but after reading the following article, I've decided to stick to a strict pizza diet (before and after photos one day if you guys are nice).
I really like green tea mochi balls - I'll eat the whole box all day. (see what I did there?)
OMGHAY is the best tour guide and helper ever.


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