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Motorcycle accident / new job

Snow Burnt
Snow Burnt Member
edited September 2023 in Off Topic

Hey guys, been away for a Few weeks due to a new job and motorcycle accident. Sustained no injury’s to myself. Bike is messed up. Also got a new job. Besides that, all is good.

Post edited by CoffeeAndChill on


  • nebbers

    :( Glad you're OK. Is the bike salvageable? How is the new job?

  • Snow Burnt

    The bike is still functional. The body is messed up pretty good. My insurance is paying for all the repairs. The new job is great. I’m really enjoying law enforcment. It’s a state job, so the health benefits are super good for the family. Nothing like being locked up in the same room with someone that would stab you for a pop tart. Lol.

  • Jimmy
    Jimmy Arbiter

    Petition to change his name to Cresent_Kop?