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War: Who will you side with?



  • Options
    I would like to comment that I was left out of the overtaker list...(*cough cough*)...and as such I have determined the need to take real life things from people...Such as your dignity when we win!
  • Options
    New video for the war effort:
  • Options
    Epic! But one thing, i've noticed that i am not on the Overtakers list either. I did post earlier, so it probably wasn't seen. = (
  • Member
    I side with the Liberators :P
  • Member, Wiki Editor, Retired Staff
    Awww :( I saw you brock
  • Options
    Ok, lists should be fixed (most up to date one is on page 6)
  • Member, Retired Staff
    awesome video nebs!! posted it to reddit
  • Lord
    edited March 2014
    Where did you post it?  It'll get deleted from /r/minecraft, since its a server ad.
  • Member, Retired Staff
    then i guess itll get deleted from r minecraft
  • Arbiter
    I never posted, but I am with the liberators!
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    I hereby announce my independence from the Liberators. I am now neutral in this conflict.
  • Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    Andrew sees sense!
  • Options
    Ben, you disappoint me
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    overtakersssss.... boom!
  • Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    Well due to completely foreseen circumstances, I stand against the tyranny of Sammich and support Queen Batman's claim to the throne.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    [code]@0031benjy Well due to completely foreseen circumstances, I stand against the tyranny of Sammich and support Queen Batman's claim to the throne.[/code]

  • Options
    it's fine. He will fall 
  • Options
    Queen Batman never claimed the throne, foolish Benjamin.
  • Confirm Email, Retired Staff
    Sammich, "claim to the throne" it's not happened yet.
    Drekar, gg bro.
    Andrew, I could care less about an overtaker calling me a traitor, I wanted to be neutral, but many Overtakers instantly named me a traitor and would attack me regardless, therefore I can't see any disadvantage to joining the Libs, at least they were supportive of my efforts to try stay out of the war, so far I've not seen anything the Overtakers could offer me 
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Breaking News!!!

    Civil unrest erupts in Equos as protests in main square clashes overnight. Two parties has taken the streets in a peaceful protest in support of either Overtakers or Liberators last night however, the situation got out of control as the two parties attacked eachother. Eight remain dead while dozens other are criticaly injured. The Coast Guards will be called in to police the streets of Equos during the times of war.
  • Options
    In one small bright spot to the situation in Equos, at least the victims are remaining dead. One can only imagine the chaos otherwise! 8-X
  • Options
    Don't make the Oranje Republic go all Crimea on you, Equos.  I have no problem sending unmarked troops under the guise of 'local militia' and occupying your city.
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    subtle. :P
  • Options
    Ben, Batts said if he wins he doesn't want to rule.

    Foolish Benjamin. 
  • Member, Retired Staff
    I said I was not sure. We will decide who is most fit.
  • Options
    democracy everywhere
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Eh? Did Nebs delete that sexy reply I was gunna reply to? Pffffft.
  • Options
    ??  I didnt delete anything.
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    really? I can't find your post about occupying Equos and refering to Crimea? Ah well.... The Equos Coast guards will just have to patrol the broders ;-)
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    Breaking News

    Current civil war leaves Equos in flames. Citizens fears leaving house. Economy sinks to all time low. All police and military forces are patroling the borders in response to Orange Republic's threat. 



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