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Looking for tenants for the under construction Astari Mall

BorisCrafter Member, Wiki Editor

Hello, everyone!

Astari, my town and the newest community on the Thule Line (between Alsten and Wolford in the south), has a shopping mall under construction, and I'm looking for some tenants! I'll obviously make some custom stores, but there's plenty of room for you guys as well! Whether you own a large chain or only have one store or restaurant in your town, I'll most likely find a spot for it. If you want your business in the Astari Mall, respond to this post with the name of your business and at least one of its locations (ex: my business is named LIKEA Furnitures, and its locations include Oranjestad, Laurelian, and Hobbiton) so I can use those locations as a basis for designing the Astari location. If you'd prefer to design the Astari location yourself, just say so, and we can work together to design your lot in the Astari Mall!

Thank you!
