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why cant i do anything

Passout9 Member
edited December 2013 in Support Area
first i got kicked for saying the f word and i said sorry then i got banned for saying a bad word (another word for pee'd) which i got confused and i asked if it was that word and i got banned for 1hour now i dont have any premissions now whats going on did i become a banjikan or something? and if so thats really not cool just for saying that in confusion thats not cool at all and not even fair...


  • Arcticstar
    Arcticstar Lord
    edited December 2013
    If you were a Bakajin, you'd know it. You're probably still a yeoman. Why you don't have permissions I can't answer you though, but it seems to me like a bug or something to that effect.

    You know however that you should mind your language, you've been around for quite a while. Whatever Geek did was hardly unfair.
  • Passout9
    ya but when im on people are swearing (eg other player im not naming anyone but it happends a lot once a week even someone does it) i understand i spent my hour but the premission thing is what i dont understand. but i just want my permission back. you can mute me for 2weeks for all i care i just want to build in my base. and also side note there is a bug with /fly it disables by its self. and there is a [protection] chest thing where you put a hopper under it and it loots i say we put up a tutrorail of how to make a un-lootable chest
    (which is a empty chest protected chest at the bottom so it cant be looted) 
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Does it really matter? Anyone who steals will be dealt with.

    This discussion has served its purpose--closed. 
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