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why have I been put through this

Sammiches822 Arbiter
edited May 2014 in Support Area
I got on today to resume progress on my glamorous castle when I suddenly found out I had no access to any voxel at all. This means I cannot resume progress on anything because most my construction relies heavily on voxel, such as terraforming. I like, really really really really really need this. I'd just appreciate it if I got it back thx. Also, someone changed my title and made it super long and super incorrect omg. Learn my royal title k bye **==


  • nebbers
    Perms changed with Voxel.  we need to give people voxelsniper.brush.* and voxelsniper.sniper (thats all I've figured out so far)

    pastes made this weird and bold. 
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    yes Neb, that's right - was going to tell you but ermm.... forgot. :3
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    @nebbers I gave that permission to all Arbiters, and to GaanSan - so the other voxel users need sorting out... but we'll wait until they complain about it!
  • nebbers
    Cool - I fixed Ender and Sammich last night