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Minecraft Olympics

Hey guys, so I used to do this thing on my private server that was like an Olympic styled event. Basically, I would invent (or not invent) some fun little mini games, and we would compete in two teams. Teams were decided through staff, as to keep it fair and unbiased.

We would host this Olympic type game every 6 months, following suit with the same days and hours, and it became a thing people actually trained for and enjoyed competing in.

To give a small example of what we did for winners: Winners got a title, and specialized name color for said title or character name. Winners got various different prizes, none of which are relevant to MC, but you get the idea!

Then, we would have members from each team compete in these mini games for prizes on the server. It is a bit harder to do that on Minecraft, as I am not in charge of what prizes to give out, so we could just do it for fun!

I set up a poll so you guys could vote on if you think it is a good idea or not. If the poll sways towards yes, I'll solicit builders to help me build an arena that can be used for future events such as this one, and we can plan to have the Shire Olympics in the very near future!

Any questions? Ask me here or in-game!

