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Ok this really pisses me off

Not even joking. I don't get how we're supposed to continue being a community with things like this going on. I've tried being patient and I've tried being as kind as possible, but this is too much.
I've tried looking at this from a positive perspective but you can't keep asking me to always look on the bright side when I'm hit with something like this. You can't!
Something needs to be done IMMEDIATELY about this or I don't know how the community is supposed to hold it together.


Nebs, Andy.... please.

Please bring back the forum upvotes that we know and love because how the shit are we supposed to let someone know that we think their post is funny if we can't "haha" it?? HOW are we supposed to tell each other "thanks" if we don't have a "thumbs up" to click??? Do you expect us to live like animals with only those little gray arrows at the top of the post?? Like... "Here is a random gray arrow thing, you filthy bastard. YOU DON'T DESERVE A "HAHA!" 
Conversely, how are we supposed to show disgust without the "broken heart" downvote?? Like, "Hey. I hate your post, but I'm gonna be cool about it. Here's a little gray arrow pointing down." NO! We need to be able to express ourselves! We NEED to be able to let each other know that things are COOL and HOT and INFORMATIVE and HELPFUL and HAHA. 

We can't live like this. We can't.

Please click the little gray arrow pointing up if you agree with me because THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO EXPRESS THAT YOU DO.
