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Introducing.... The Monthly Shire Playlist!

Vetous Member, Wiki Editor
edited January 2016 in Off Topic
So, I was thinking recently- "Man, I really miss Plug.DJ! We used to have so much fun on there! Too bad it went out of business..." 

Yeah, Plug went out of business. There was this sort of last hurrah a while back. It was very tragic. 

Anyways, I was thinking, how else could we simulate something similar? closed down a few weeks ago, so that's no go. I decided, instead, we could try something on Spotify. Most people seem to use the service, and it's generally pretty easy to use. This is what I propose: every month, I'll make a new forum post, asking for each of you to give me a list of three songs you would like included on the playlist. I'll then order them in a rotating fashion, as if each of us were taking turns playing songs on Plug. In the notes about the playlist each month, I'll include the order it goes in, and I'll share it on the forum. Or you can follow me on spotify to see it. This way its like using plug, but we can access it any time. We can also see what kind of music each of us likes to listen to. 

There won't be any theme, just three songs you like and would want to hear. In fact, it could be the same song, three times, if you so desired. With that you guys can go ahead and start listing songs, and I'll compile the playlist a week from today. 

Oh, and answer the little poll I have attached. I'm curious.

Thanks, love ya'll. 

-Jake (Vet)
