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Problems with Tyrule resources and Plot Claims

edited June 2016 in Support Area
So I have no idea how to actually get resources from from below the Tyrule spawn, can someone explain?
As well, after I had gotten some stuff floating on the ground (of a different type than I had tried to get) and claimed a plot, I still couldn't build on it. I /plotme home and it sends me to that exact plot. Halp
update: and now when I focus on items in my hotbar, they disappear?


  • Hay
    Hay Lord
    Hi Brian
    Do /plotme auto while in Tyrule. Then do /plot home to get to your plot

    To get materials, right click the [free] signs that display the item you want. =)

    tools can be found in the corner of tyrule spawn.
  • Brian_Rogers333
    I already have the max number of plots, so that dosen't work. Right-clicking doesn't do anything. Have there been problems similar to this in the past?
  • Hay
    Hay Lord
    there have not.
    what do you mean when you say "max number of plots"

  • Brian_Rogers333
    I am told that I have reached the maximum amount of plots for my rank, which is 1 when I try to claim other plots
  • Hay
    Hay Lord
    okyou should be able to do /plot home or /plotme home to get to it
  • Brian_Rogers333
    Yes, I am able able to get to my plot, I'm just not able to build on it
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Does it say you've reached the edge of the world? Are you definitely in the 'Tyrule' rank?
  • Brian_Rogers333
    It dosen't say that i've reached the end of the world. I am definatly in the "tyrule" rank.
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    You right click the signs that say [Free] to get items.

    You have to be standing INSIDE your plot to build in it. You can't be standing on the border. :)
  • Brian_Rogers333
    Yes, I know, right-clicking dosen't work and I can's build on it even when i'm inside
  • CoffeeAndChill
    CoffeeAndChill Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    speak to a staff member in-game to get this fixed
  • Brian_Rogers333
    ok, thanks.
This discussion has been closed.