Website maintenance in progress
Project Proposal - Great Hall of Warps [PLEASE READ]
@Hay @nebbers @blitheness @enderkillerI copied every warp on the list down onto my computer, and now I need your help.Which warps would you consider the most important?I am planing on putting all the warps in the self-guided tour on the ground floor, along with Tyrule, spawn, and the tours themselves. What else should be included?Are there any other tours other than /warp tour?Are any warps outdated?Should I include /warp tyro, /warp yeoman, /warp lord, etc.?What about /warp tutorial and /warp tyro tutorial?Also, the old warp room is at /warp warp if you want to see what I mean.-Mythendor
PS: You have an insane amount of warps! And a lot of them have funny names...
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Can you paste the list here? I'll categorize all of them for you0
haha! It'll take a little bit of time to get them all organized.Off the top of my head, you can section off several different tours.- "Shire attractions" tour that we usually do for visitors - our favorite builds- "Shire historic builds" tour - towns and builds from the early years of the Shire- Mega Builds- Large Settlements - large cities such as Oranjestad, Venice, Fulfwotz etc.- Villages and Hamlets - smaller towns/cities that are complete and great quality- Ranks and Members - places like /warp yeoman, duke, viceroy/maven, archduke/artisan, architect etc- Information - tour going to /warp tyrule and maybe a couple stops giving info on getting startedI'll help update some of the older info warps - update the rank warps and stuff... If you find something that seems incomplete or outdated, just let me know.0
Warps Part 1 @nebbersaberdeenaboiteacadieaelfortaetheriaaldhamalqualondealsmaalwasyamphitheatrearbiterarchitectartisanatheosathiticaatlantisbabylonbakajinbalesgarbaradbarbicanbataviaBCbelthilblacknightbloodmistboneyardborkbreebristolbristonBrosillionbrunswickbrutalpestbucketheadlandbudapestburronecaffaCAKEcarvenhallcastlearghchestermillsclarisseclementineclubveneziacognaccolonycorrioncostacranencriteriaCTF_WIPdarktowndisneylanddiputatiodowntondragonstonedrosvenardukeduncarooduomoebethronebidosElathuriaelizaelmswellemelleemeraldcityendertonepsilionequosereboresthareuropaevilleextonfalorefaolanferalanfeverlyhillsfireworksfloffwymforestmeadowsfridayfulfwotzfulfwotzgrandterminal0
Warps Part 2 @nebbersgalleriaghastreachgoddesstemplegonggosdgreenvalehavanahayhousehazelliahearthstonehelveticahobbitonholzdorfhomestarhyruleicecastleioniaisengardisormjotenheimkaldaronkaraamkeikeikelimanjarokibarraknavobukikraghalkuzvaklamenamelaurelianleutonIlamapvplordlostlothlorienlythiamainlandmallmarzipanmavenmercatormerchantsmarketmidruleminasminipangeamitunirmodaoramonkeytonmonticellomooshoomoriamorthammountbritainmurdergamenaokinetherstorenewendertonniflheimnobityonovusnubnunyanurburgofficeolalaolympicsoperaoranjestadorikamipalustrispangeaperindeuspetraphasmaphobeanpigsumopineconevillageplazapodiumportpronteraquarryquivirarailwayredbrookeredstoneredtownredwoodsresortrhiusritunimromarougeportrules0
Warps Part 3 @nebberssaguariasakurasalazengrumsammichsandalvaniaseabriarSEACsenbazuruserashadowfallshadowfellshaishaitownshroomtownshrowdedsilexsilktouchskyholdskylanslyysnowsnowymillsolspiridonsravastistationstormendssummerstonesunspearsurvivalsurvivalnethersynagoguetalmistamantempledistricttourtransfagarasantutorialTWCTyrotyromuseumtyrotutorialtyruleuniversityvadamvalashuvaleriavanirvashonvenezianavenicevertimentviceroyvolgamovoutsinaswaitrosewarpswestportwhailwhitevalewinterfellwitheringwoodstockwoolowotzwyrmcatwytapchayeomanzaphoria0
Oh god what have I gotten myself into9
mistakes were made. :P0
@Mythendor @EnderKilla if you're building in Hyrule, please don't touch my train station. You may build a floor above it at the same level as the top of the staircase I made in the middle.0
while you're categorising all the warps for this, maybe update the pages on the wiki for large/small/etc settlements/points of interest/....?1
All Clementine warps have been organized as best they could - follow link below. If you have additional information on a particular warp, please let me know. map of Clementine:4
Kiiiiiiiinda sad it's not the Knasorias Sea. But that's probably a day late and a dollar short. Lol1
Well where were you when I asked everyone what to call it?!1
Well, clearly, I was off somewhere being a slacker hot mess.
*Polishes off bag of Cheetos while opening new one*8 -
Sounds about right #justshirethings0
It sounds amazing! If it happens, could i help?0
Demmatrodine Warps categorized!See full list here: let me know about any changes.Demmatrodine Map complete:1
How many of these regions are there?Also, again, can I have permission to build in hyrule?0
There are 16 regions. I'll add you to the region when you're online next0
@nebbers @hay @blithenessHey guys! Thanks for all the support when building the warp hall!A few more things:
- There is room for 87 warps on the first/main floor. (There is room for 174 if we double side them.) I was thinking we have the best builds on the 1st floor, the second best on the second, etc.
- What should the 87/174 be? Should we double side them? Also, we will need room to grow.
- I'm not great at the detail work when it comes to Minecraft building. PLEASE check out the warp hall (/warp hyrule) and tell me what you think. Criticize my work as much as possible. You can even add to it yourselves as long as you don't change anything important. I just want it to look good, right now it is lacking any decorations.
- When you check it out, know that the warps will go on the birch wood and the acadia wood is the pathway. The non-build, super important warps are made of precious metals in the center and are really big. The other warps, no matter the importance, will be made of different stones. The second floor is not installed yet.
- If I should add or subtract a precious metal warp, tell me.
- What stones should be used?
- I was thinking the warp to the warp hall would be /warp warp. Is that ok?
- How should they be organized? It would be easiest by order of impressiveness.
Thanks for helping,-MythendorPost edited by Mythendor on5 -
Actually, I think we shouldn't double side the ones on the 1st floor, but we should double side the minor warps on the second floor.0
i personally think that that each warp door be split into the regionsand the owners of each warp should try their best to build the door or have the door based around what type of builds there are in that area1
To give a "preview" of each warp, you could put at least the main ones in small niches which evoke the style of each warp1
Thanks for the input! I'm going on vacation so I'll be taking a break for about a week. I realize that the warp hall has many flaws and looks terrible right now, but I have many ideas for improvement.0
[quote="Mythendor;7317"]Thanks for the input! I'm going on vacation so I'll be taking a break for about a week. I realize that the warp hall has many flaws and looks terrible right now, but I have many ideas for improvement.[/quote]it's a WIP. It'd only be terrible if it wasn't finished lol3