Website maintenance in progress
Spicy Dirt Roads [Completed - See Album in final post!]

You may or may not come across some fresh dirt roads that are now criss-crossing around our world, interconnecting long forgotten towns and villages.
I say unto you, BE NOT AFRAID! These dirt paths mean you no harm. Don't be afraid of building over them, removing them, changing them, replacing them with a real road, etc... If they're in your area or in an area you want to build in, feel free to alter them as you see fit.
I've spent some time this week and last just having fun with voxel and painting these pathways around the world. The process has led to some interesting discoveries, LOTS of fixing broken landscapes, two new mountains, and the creation of several new regions:
New Regions made for the towns of:
- Grittle -364 65 1939
- Peach 285 65 2500
- Chowder -80 65 1787
- Range Guild Village 1080 65 -333
- Gerlach (generated town)
- Big League (generated town)
- Riverdale 1254 65 -1588
- Gravel Pond -1200 65 -1165
- Hideaway Hills -1400 65 -1020
Some of the towns had no discernible original builder, some of the towns had no official name, some had neither.
New Mountains:
- Just east of Milliput Farms: 2793 65 965
- Just east of Venice, covering yet another failed ImagineJoe project: 1728 65 2283
Fresh New Landscapes, ripe for the building:
- The landmass where /warp snow resides, and between Novus and Woolowotz, has been smoothed and polished - I added some lovely glacial effects in the water too.
- The land just north of Barad-Dur, up past Senbazuru has been smoothed and cleared. It was ugly before w/ generation errors.
- The land just west of Shan-ning/East of Nivosus is cleared and smoothed.
I'm sure there will be many more little changes shortly.
Post edited by nebbers on
they are too spicy for me but that's awesome0
Additional Changes today:
- A vast new plain south of Bognor Regis has been drained and seeded. -2800 65 2000
- The Hilltop Hotel is now worldguarded. -1600 65 1400
- The town of Gray Havens received a worldguard. -1300 65 1279
- The land north and northeast of bucketheadland has been smoothed, leveled, and drained. The unfinished temple that was there was converted to sand and sandstone and melted a bit - now it looks like ruins. Kinda cool. -1670 65 2837 and -1432 65 2787
- The generated town at -2708 65 -2208 is now named "Pemmican" and has been claimed for Oranjestad.
3 - A vast new plain south of Bognor Regis has been drained and seeded. -2800 65 2000
Any new warps?0
Nope, no new warps - these places are all pretty small.0
More Changes today:
- The area immediately west of the spawn is now regioned as "Shire Woods" (previously wilderness) and is labeled as a mainland suburb. Bree, Lamename, and Belthil have also been labeled as such.
- Directly south of Pangea is a new region, "Cat Temple Ruins".
- The unlabeled village south of /warp darkisles is now regioned as Podesta Village.
- The unusual cave building north/northwest of /warp civis built by slyypenguin is regioned as Slyyhole, cuz why not.
- The three regions straight west of /warp nub are now regioned as Tanagra Castle Ruins, Bastar's Sports Complex, and Silence Castle.
- Several rivers near Pangea were drained and filled. I made them to begin with so I can drain them if I feel like it (they didn't look right anyway).
- The mountain village and temple directly west of /warp synagogue is now regioned and named 'Sporkengrin', after its two builders Sporkity and Grinuzz.
Remember, you can view all regions and their info by going to Dynmap and check marking the 'Worldguard" button.No new warps.4 - The area immediately west of the spawn is now regioned as "Shire Woods" (previously wilderness) and is labeled as a mainland suburb. Bree, Lamename, and Belthil have also been labeled as such.
Once again I've come across numerous little builds with NO name and NO builder mentioned, this time in the Mount Britain/Drosvenar area. Label your builds!!:
- The ruined castle/fort at 60, 65, -3175 (just northeast of Kaldaron) is now regioned. I named is Witness Outpost. There was no indication of a builder or an original name...
- The jungle fortress at 1, 65, -3500 just north of Witness Outpost is now regioned. I named is Ashokan Outpost... again, no indication of who made it.
- The quaint clay block village directly south of Drosvenar at 250, 65, -3390 had no name or builder... it is now regioned and I named it Clayberry.
All three of these spots exist between @lord_drekar's builds Drosvenar and Kaldaron. If no original builders come forward, maybe Drekar should claim these as part of his Compact!If these are your builds, let me know and I'll make you owner - we can change the name too.I also smoothed a ton of broken land just north of the olde tyrozone.4 - The ruined castle/fort at 60, 65, -3175 (just northeast of Kaldaron) is now regioned. I named is Witness Outpost. There was no indication of a builder or an original name...
*quietly prepares territorial claim flags*For serious though, if the original builders don't come forward, I am absolutely claiming these, because they are actually pretty damn cool.3
I've made a few more changes during my continuing quest to discover, expose, and protect our small forgotten communities by way of spicy dirt roads:
- Redid all of the biome on the grassy canyons directly west of /warp moria.
- Protected the small town in the grassy canyons and named it Oxley. -1150 65 -1400. Couldn't find an original name or owner.
- FXPR's town south/southeast of Laurelian is now protected and name Fixper until he comes back and changes it. 7200 65 -5800
- The town at 6500 65 -4100 is now protected and named Barbacoa. No owner or original name found.
- The generated town at 6900 65 -2900 was already named Shameville and claimed for Saguria (pc1894). I've regioned it.
I'll get tired of doing this eventually. Thanks for tolerating my posts.10 - Redid all of the biome on the grassy canyons directly west of /warp moria.
More unmarked builds!
- I made a hill over the unfinished castle thing just east of Brosillon: 4700,65,-1500
- I regioned the unnamed island town at 5100,65,-750 and named it Rancheros. I recognize it from a BC but I have no idea who made it.
- I regioned the 'New Lothlorien' area directly west of Leuton. 5300,65,-700. No idea who made it.
- I regioned Mythendor's unfinished castle, called Creeper Castle, at 5900,65,1200.
- I regioned the mongolian horde encampment made by Brickblock at 5400,65,1680. I named it Brickblock Khan's Horde Encampment. Go figure.
- I regioned the mountain fort/build made by catmanoct at 4660,65,1350. I named it Catman Mountain.
- There's a beautiful little mountain village at 5750,65,2270 that had no name or owner. I called it Signal Hill.
- I regioned the "Uberwart Castle" build at 5300,65,2200. No owner found.
- I regioned the auto-generated town at 5600,65,3100. It was already claimed for Sammich and was called Watersong.
- ^I did the same for the Sammichian claimed auto-generated town of Cathedral, located at 2800,65,4200.
- ^I did the same for the Sammichian claimed auto-generated town of Plainview, just south of Cathedral.
If I ever find the patience, I'll post pics of all these unknown places.3 - I made a hill over the unfinished castle thing just east of Brosillon: 4700,65,-1500
OK...Probably my final dirt road expedition for a while. Some final changes:
- The generated town of Palaven, claimed by Sammich was given a region. 8000,65,2300.
- The Sammichian Bluepointe Manor was given a region. 5200,65,4000
- The generated town at 2865,65,7745 was discovered, named Étouffée, and claimed for Oranjestad.
Since I sincerely doubt any of you will really try to find any of these locations, I will post an album (probably next week) of the various changes, new discoveries, or things I'd like to remove.Again- feel free to alter, remove, add to... etc... any of these dirt roads. If nothing else they give the world a little bit more cohesion, but they are by no means sacred.0 - The generated town of Palaven, claimed by Sammich was given a region. 8000,65,2300.
Ok ok ok, for real though, my last time:
- The fort/army staging ground at -2100 65 -5900 didn't have a name or owner. I region'd it and named it Hammerdown Armory & Staging Grounds, and I *think* it was made by Master_Chief, so he was made owner.
- The little town at -1800 65 -6100 had no name or owner. It was named Sachi Mayhaps (thx Millred)
- The auto-generated Sammichian-claimed town of Vogue was given a region.
- The auto-generated Sammichian-claimed town of Thessia was given a region.
- The city of Sargoth was given a warp and a region (sparechromosome's town).
- CommanderStealth's forest home was given a region and labeled "Stealth Outpost". It is at 3000,65,-7600.
- The unfinished town of Cornnet was given a region. I forget who made it. 4700 65 -7600.
I'll post an album of all the changes soon.0 - The fort/army staging ground at -2100 65 -5900 didn't have a name or owner. I region'd it and named it Hammerdown Armory & Staging Grounds, and I *think* it was made by Master_Chief, so he was made owner.
Pics of the relevant places. I'm done. If any of these builds look familiar or if you know who made them, let me know. edited by nebbers on6
@nebbers love you0
Always good to keep a clean server.
0 -
Great path. Leads to some older builds. Found some cool stuff out in the sticks. Great motivation to sight see. Thank you!3
These roads have made it hot in here (my town), I might need to take my clothes off.(I love me some Nelly references)Post edited by sanman00 on0
Can confirm, Hammerdown is base area for tree invasion0
But whats with the volcano me and Squid did? Will it be recognised too?1
The Clementine area (the landmass, not the city) got a heavy dose of Spicy Dirt Roads today (currently rendering on dynmap). I just wanted to reiterate that dirt roads are not sacred and if they need to be squashed for your project(s), then so be it.2
All dirt roads are futile.0
I love dirt roads pls bring more tonriferoowd2