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Cartographers Map the Laurelian Nation

"The project to map Laurelian Nation has come to a successful end", says the owner of the Batavia Mapping Company (BMC), DirewolfofDoom

"We have never gotten a project of this scale and we were not sure if it was ever going to be completed, but we did it!", screams an employee of the BMC in a drunk rouse.
"With this we have established ourselves as market leaders and we are never giving this away". continues DirewolfofDoom.

Though there will be updates needed when new buildings arise in the nation of Laurelian but the BMC is more than able to do this, but for now it is time to celebrate the amazing feat they achieved, one map of the nation hanging from the wall consisting of 228 small maps.


  • EnderKilla
    Whew nice job dire, looks awesome.
  • nebbers
    Thoroughly impressed! Great job
  • Hay
    Thanks so much, Dire!! It's beautiful and the Laurelian Nation appreciates all the skill, talent and hard work of the BMC!
  • EvKem
    EvKem Member
    Looks wonderful! I've always loved this area.
  • DreamingAtDawn03
    Wow! I love it! You did an epic job mapping one of the most beautiful areas of the Shire.