Website maintenance in progress
Server down?
its ded0
I finally decide to do something and... a 12000 block paste crashes the server. I love it.
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The server has crashed0
Send help please0
Help sent. Enjoy0
Bless Andy0
Aed is the devil and crashed it again
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I give up. No worldedit for me.0
i cant believe you've done this0
It's updated?0
WE Cui is updated, not macros tho0
Maybe make the CUI discussion in another thread. My phone is blowing up with all the comments lol
Also, I'm not home atm, else, I'd have restarted it by now. Sozages3 -
server restarted. should be up soon1
I...uh...crashed the....server...
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The server has crashed0
i'll restart it after i have a snack. so tired of it crashing every day3
these kids so irresponsible these days0
I crashed the server.1
Fixed from the train!1
Server down. Been down for like 2 hours according to IRC logs0
still down q.q0
Restarted. Give it a minute or two0
Server is down right now on purpose. don't touch. (LightBound uses our VM as a guinea pig sometimes, we're just going to have to deal with it.)7
Ok should be back up.0
yay cool0
Server is down0