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Membership - PinkPanda8357

pinkpanda8357 Member
edited February 2014 in Archived Applications

I recently found out about your server from my friend TheUnknownn who is currently one of your members.  The main reason I would like to join your server is because I very recently got into playing Minecraft after hearing so much about it through out the years, so far I am loving the experience, and I want to be able to join my friend in this awesome world and create amazing things that I can't even imagine yet.  TheUnknownn recommended that I try to join your server because the perks on the server itself are great but most importantly to me I've heard that all the members are great/respectable people.  I have previously tried to play on other servers with him but after putting the effort into building awesome constructions we would get griefed/trolled by others. So what I am hoping for is to join a community of minecrafters who just want to have fun and at the same time respect one another.  A little about myself, I've been playing videos games since I was a child and I have always loved them.  I am really into strategy games like SC2, city builders like simcity and banished, and creative games in general.  I am 20 years old and I am from the US.

Thank you for your time.


  • nebbers
    Promoted to Tyro!  Great app - I think you'll fit in just fine.  Get started at /warp tyro, get materials at /warp quarry, get perks at /warp wellnesscenter, and use /kit tyro for tools.  gl;hf.
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