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Membership - GreekMadness

Hiya there! Lovely day we're having! I'm GreekMadness.

The name is Stellar, I'm 16 -and almost half a year away from 17- and I live in the lovely country with a Mediterranean climate that is formally known as Greece.
I learned about your server from a video of the channel "gameranx" and it got me fascinated enough to want to start playing minecraft again; which lead me here.

Now for the personal stuff, hobbies include drawing, playing video games, binging TV shows and movie franchises, reading when I can stay focused, watching youtube, looking up bunch of probably useless fact - case in point, did you know that butterflies will drink blood if given the opportunity? Well not you know. You can curse my entire being for telling you later-.
I am a boring person with a boring life so there aren't many note worthy things to be frank; however if this counts I have memorized over almost 200+ songs but I can't even remember what I ate fun right? right? no? I thought so anyways that's all I have I believe.

Oh well also as to what I hope I can bring to the server, I was considered kinda good at building back when I was regularly playing the game though I might be more than a little rusty since it's been a good amount of time since that-- aaaaand I hope I can bring a positive aura when I am around since I tend to be optimistic and not one to pick a fight -you know unless somebody is being a jerk to people needlessly-.

Okay I think that's it; Thank you for taking the time to read this whoever you are!


  • Hay
    Welcome, GreekMadness! Your application has been accepted! That was a great, thoughtful application. Thank you for making me see butterflies as vampires from now on. lol

    You can now build in /warp tyrule where you'll find everything you need to show us your style and skill level and hopefully join us in the main world.

    Important information about getting started:
    - All your materials will be under the Tyrule spawn. To get to the materials area, follow the "yellow brick road." Just right click the "free" signs.

    - All tools and enchantments can be found in one of the spawn corners. Signs will lead you there. Just right click the signs for the tools and then with the tool equipped, right click the enchantment signs

    - You can be assigned a plot by doing /plot auto and then /plot home to get to it

    - Your tyrule build does not have to be huge or elaborate. Just something that gives us an idea of your style and skill level

    Please feel free to ask us any questions either here or in game. We're happy to help. And if you need assistance from a staff member, we're the folks with either blue or gold titles.

    If you haven't logged onto the server yet, you'll have to ask a staff member for your Tyrule ranking when you log on for the first time. If you've already logged onto the server, your Tyrule ranking should appear shortly.

    Have a great time!
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