Website maintenance in progress
This is pretty much what I had in mind.
Just a simple powerpoint document.
Could look roughly like that. As you can see to travel those parts of the Juris/Cerelia requires a large detour. I think this route would be very useful. I know there are more pressing projects right now but I think this would be a very practical expansion of the railway network.
Right now if you want to get to, say, Fulfwotz from New Vashon, you have to go all the way up to Karaam/Arcadia and then all the way back down to Fulfwotz. An east/west line bisecting further south could cut travel time in half, not to mention service new areas as mentioned.
I would like to make a suggestion for a new line/extension or branch of an existing line. The Shire doesn’t have any reliable east west lines, so I think a potential extension of Hestia west past Brandywine West connecting it with the Juris/ Cerelia lines would be useful, it could also be extended east past Hyrule to…