Website maintenance in progress
That is because our crazy awesome staff are on top of things :) I am on my way back to updating the castle shortly here. Thank you to Blitheness for being so fast to get this update in, and to Hay for the epic job on the patterns above, and all of the hard work!
Thank you very much! I absolutely loved your space age towering design Dire. The colors were awesome! And Archy...Please tell me you will use that design of a building for a space age city in the future :) I especially loved the front face of the building.
I love it! As a mater of fact, I think I will watch it again :)
hehe, I must get back to it...and find my list of answers. I know I have gotten several but that was before the bc, and I have been busy sense then. Perhaps I will bounce around over there a bit today. :) I am enjoying it so far, but admit the college to be a pain lol.
Awesome Awesome! Great job Chef!!
My moms plot, Mamma4 is still being worked on. She will get back to it, but has been very busy with a move and other life changing events. She is very close to finishing it as well, so please don't delete that one. Draco would also like his saved (Dracojr1027 is its plot). It is right near mine and my moms as well. Mine is…
I think it would be fun to see what people come up with, and what they like. Having Shirlings all around the world would make the music very eclectic.
I keep an eye on the forums in general usually several times a day so it kind of all wraps together. I keep a closer eye on what I post...but not every 5-10 minutes lol. Figured a clarification was in order on that one. I was half asleep when I read it the first time and didn't pay attention to the 5-10 minute part, Just…
I am also guilty. I stand in line with the rest of you lol.
Wow! I love it! You did an epic job mapping one of the most beautiful areas of the Shire.
That was interesting lol. Yes Hay, i was very strange seeing nebs with a Steve skin and being called Ben ;p.
Lets see what luck I do or do not have at this one :)
OK. I think I am as done as I can get with this! I have two questions that I could not seem to find the answers to, as well as a part in temple district. I will get the answers submitted for you to check out soon. :smile: )
I can even say I saw him a lot of that time. Sorry Blithe....I just thought it would be fun to go back and see what is doable and what is not. I thought perhaps this would help people get back into them, and I LOVE these things. It also gives me something to do as I explore. I am fully aware going into it that these are…
I only have a dozen or so answers so back to it I go!
So, mine is labeled Ladyhawk1369 because that is my twitter and how I logged in. I say Gus is the clear winner here!
ya, join just to see my beautiful drawing of nebs face lol.
I was also thinking the Wiki might help. I will find what I can and go from there.
Time to try another quest and see if it still works :) Wish me luck!
Cant wait to see the finished product. Looking epic so far!
looking at these results so far, I am trying to figure out what I want to do that is Sci-Fi.
Thank you! I am humbled to be included with these amazing builders. Great job guys!
You couldn't do this BEFORE I did the quests!?
U should see what my castle looks like because of it. ;)
Thanks Wuggeh! my day is better any day I get time with my Shire friends and family. I love you all too! I hope your day is all you want it to be and more. :)
YAY! It was a blast and I highly suggest others to do it. I can not wait for the next one!
lol, I tried and cant get through the first one. Cant find a dorm :). I will find another to do for now.
ok, finished this quest. Only #5 is missing and it can easily be put back. I can put it in if you would like. :)
Another one finished. Time for the next :)
And to think that I fully explored each and every building! I admit that the bigger hotels and apartments did not get 100% explored, but close. It is an amazing achievement to complete such a detailed and in depth city like this! Great Job and congratz!