Website maintenance in progress
hes ok
I think he mentioned he'd like it to be 'LobIsReallyCool'
Im DTF with any of you beautiful people
Je pensais que cela est la façon dont le forum est censé être? Cela est très étrange que cela est quelque chose d'autre en toute honnêteté. Oh, et ne pense pas que je ne savais pas que vous allez utiliser google translate pour lire ceci.
I'm taking comissions
Eyo, when's this happening? I'm so down!
I'm so dissapointed that I missed this! Amazing video though, I was laughing like a idiot the whole way through <3
Give us a budget and what you need with it (peripherals, monitor, etc), and i'm sure you'll get a few parts lists to pick from!
So do I have to keep a IRC tab open at all times?
I've started doing some 3D work for the game Planetside 2, pretty chuffed with these
7. Lobstrex13 = lobstrex I am a very unimaginative man.
Woah, i've been out of town for a while. What's this about a new server?
Just connect to ''.
MEANWHILE ON BUZZFEED.\ Anyway, The Hound. Arya pls.
Ahaha, Loved this. Brought back memories of my first experiences with the game, too.
Count me in.
I think this is a really original and great idea! Are there any plans for multiplayer?
It's limited because you're listed as a LiteSniper rather than a FullSniper, I beleive.
Done and dusted
Goddamn it I love all of you people.
Just sent you a friend request :)
I think it's downloaded. You can buy disc versions via amazon, though.
It's good fun, yeah. Only problem is that is had to be downloaded through Origin, which my ISP does not like connecting to for whatever reason. But's it's nice and user friendly, so It's worth a shot.
As soon as Bukkit is updated, I presume.
Tomorrow then?
Yep, if somebody could tell me how long until the first battle starts (look at when this was posted), that'd be great.
Simcity 2013 or Simcity 4. 2013 is much more acadey, and much easier to understand what's going on, whought is suffers from some things being oversimplified. 4 is much mire indepth, nut you'll find yourself lost a lot of the time.