Website maintenance in progress
morris and his ego
ok first tribute <---
The Clementine Oranges (purple and white) would be in a professional football league if they were better so you're stuck watching college football with them. They're based in the Hitchcock stadium at the University of Clementine.
havent you heard that negging is the best way of getting what you wanted though
Shire Dane International Airport SFAA Notice: Due to increasing tensions in the Laurelian and the New Sammichian Empire regions, all aircraft movements bound for the two locations will be immediately grounded and redirected to the nearest available international airport. The City of Clementine Airport Authority has ceased…
plus it's something we've never done before, unlike christmas/winter :D
maybe tropical island/resort since it's summer in the southern hemisphere?
i suggest the university because it's big totally not because it's mine
@hay it is a personal philosophy of mine to confront complaints head-on
Part 3/3: Opinions of the Shire Among the surveyed, 100% of the respondents stated that they are content with The Shire: "Believe me, folks. Everyone loves me" Some reasons cited are: "Because the members are more mature and tolerable than the majority of the Minecraft player base; we also have a very small yet extremely…
Part 2/3: Minecraft Information The Shire Playtime: The vast majority of our members surveyed played between 0 to 200 hours. Not surprising, since most of the surveyed originate from the Reddit post and other affiliated news sites on June 23, 2016. There is one datapoint sitting at 2,946 hours, though I was not able to add…
thanks guys. i think 75 responses is a bit unrealistic since i have about 36 so far. ill be lowering the req to 50 or date at this coming sunday, whichever comes sooner. stay tuned for the results!
thx for feedback, duly noted
@drek what about your complaint towards me D:
hi i can translate this for staff as parts of my family are from taiwan but my chinese is currently pretty rusty since I've lived in Canada my whole life: "membership - Agonize Hi!! I am taiwanese and 15 years old this year. I like to play with a lot of people as it is more fun. Sometimes I will build some modern houses in…
A much as it's a convenience, it's quite a big hassle to remake everything especially since most mechanisms require modifications to function (some rails are over 1k blocks long between stops and would take forever to traverse without the plugin, booster rails aren't always installed either). plus non modded systems tend…
or maybe: Extravagance and opulence
casino and hotel interiors just because I built a casino and have close to no intention of ever decorating it
Few things, Mavens and co cannot just willy nilly create a worldguard region, they'd have to have a good project first that warrants a protected region which will then also allow them to build in creative in that region (a region that can only be set up by architect+. And to start off on their own project, they'd have to…
Also, I've gotten some concerns about this reducing the need for Duke and undermining the usefulness of Artisan. It should be noted that the affected members cannot utilize creative mode anywhere else apart from the predefined regions. For Mavens, it would be regions that they have already owned, which are limited due to…
The University of ClementineThe University of Clementine is a public research university located on the Northwest corner of the Shire. It is founded in 1596 and the estimated date of completion is 2017 2018 2028.
yo I thought it was in like King's dominion or something. There's also an fb group chat for very productive discussions and coordination.
/warp university - buildings lack interior, promisted completion date was 2017 2018
you're allowed to vote for yourself afaik
@andy it was actually arctic that I asked to have me in the group heh
+1 on epic libraries, I, for some reason wasn't able to cast a vote :(
im sorry soni have failed you
i bought a new computer and im not used to the keyboard long story short /b 130 instead of 30 isn't a good idea
i want to make a casino c:
zomg i found the rarest pepe