Website maintenance in progress
@Sammiches822 He's your grandson then.
Tear down this well!
Day 500 I can't remember who I was, who I am or who I will be. My life is in the game developer's hands and they shall control my destiny through sequels, prequels 'n' stuff.
How long is the migration expected to take?
What if my nation was made up of single region towns or was a yuge single region town?
Does not sound like too bad of a plan, a few more people joining.
I believe this is the ultra-rare phenomenon called dadception.
You can tell if you have the Tyrule rank (which I think you do) if in chat your title is light blue. If so, in order to get the Yeoman rank, you need to build a structure that is rather detailed in the Tyrule world (as explained when your application for Tyrule was accepted). Once you are done with your build, ask a staff…
[quote="Aedesius;7764"]I was going to stop by. I guess that dream is dead :([/quote] Don't worry aed, there's always tomorrow. EDIT: ...and, the server is back.
These roads have made it hot in here (my town), I might need to take my clothes off. (I love me some Nelly references)
Give 'em some cocaine carrots or whatever hamsters eat. That'll get 'em running. Here is a good hamster to English translator, just change the settings to Hamsterish to English.
I'm alright, just waiting for the server to start up again.
It's actually an NPC rather than a chicken. I remember when I hit it repeatedly to kill it but I ended up hitting it into the cobblestone instead and since I can't break blocks there, I just left it there.