Website maintenance in progress
Server down?
dynmap is also down. :P0
and back up again lol. nvm :P0
Is it broken?
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You killed it, PC. Should've opened a window.1
Not sure what happened. I can't get it to start again though.0
Andrew broke it after he faceplanted the keyboard after some musky smell hit him...1
Is the server down?0
this is why we cant have anything nice1
yeah this ish is down rn3
Someone needs to make a spreadsheet correlating server crashes with architect and staff numbers online lol11
[quote="Lord_Drekar;2624"]Someone needs to make a spreadsheet correlating server crashes with architect and staff numbers online lol[/quote]there has to be an equation. i bet the chances go up exponetiallyi guess this is what it would look like:Y=b+(a^(n-c))Y= Chances of serve crashingb= Chances of server crashing at any given timea= chances of server crashing with one architect onn= Number of architects onlinec= Number of architects not currently working on big projectssomething like that i guess, open for critiques9
and so here marks the end of the line, aye.... our fragile footprint in the cosmic void of creation so soon blown away by the winds of time. History will not remember us, and others will come along, trying to mimic and enlarge their footprint on top of ours. But such progression is natural, inevitable. Life moves on, and if we must move on with it, so be it. I am ready.-3
Sammich you are more depressing than ebola right now2
Restarted! I was busy cooking and gin-and-tonic'ing2
oh noes I crashed server q.q
my fault, I was making some place like 50k - 80k to stone, and then I made //paste -a ... but I didnt wanted to, dunno why I made it and now its crashed ...
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It was down for me just now... started, again.1
nebbers or Andrew, everytime I am joining the server, it crashes, is it possible to fix it? q.q
maybe teleport me to another point or something else ... I dunno, but I will not join till I can be sure to not crash the server
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Server is down again.. it autosaved then hasn't come back up? idk what's going on, just seems a bit random1
Server down??1
Gaan - don't sign on until I say its ok.0
Holy crap Gaan what did you do exactly!? I can't even get near where you were0
ok I will tell ya all ...
first I made this:
choose point 1 and point 2 (were 50 - 140k) and made them with //set 1 to Stone
after I made really much, I got disconnected, when I got back, I tried to make a smaller space to stone (20 - 40k) but it got laggy, and then...
Khal told me to make '//paste -a' ... I dunno but I dont thought about it, I thought it will help ...
I used it '//paste -a' ... and then it crashed, ... but now I dont know why I used it, because I dont needed it, because I used before only //set 1 ...
before that I had copied like 308k Stone ... and I think they were 'pasted' or something ... I dont know what the '//paste -a' is making ...
thats all I have done ....
I hope I could help you
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So you just //paste -a'd 308k Stone. Alright, well that helps. I'll try to fix it tomorrow morning!0
*wakes up*
Well well well...0