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Website maintenance in progress

Server down?



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    Still super-crashy.  Backed up world and I'm downloading it now - I'll see what I can find w/ MCedit.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Don't need mc edit, but not saying mcedit can't do the job.
    Download a tool to the server with wget. One that lets you specify a backup zip file (one of our snapshots). Python should be installed, which is what one tool is written in. Make sure it supports .mca files
    And restore corrupted chunks to the backup version
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    Ah I see a cool tool now, - I've already deleted the bad chunks in MCedit though and I'm recompressing the world file.  I just had to do it the hard way.  I'll see how this goes since I've already put the time in!
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    OK - SERVER IS DOWN DELIBERATELY while I work on restoring the world.
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    FFS deleting shit in FTP is god awful.  I uploaded it successfully, unzipped it successfully, and then saw there was that gdamn random _MACOSX folder that sometimes shows up... Oh, well, I'll just delete that since thats not anything important...  Nope, the world was actually in there.  So now I have to delete that and unzip again because I started to delete it and who knows what was lost.  Taking forever to delete all the 1000's of chunk files though.

    Just........ be patient and it'll all be ok.
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    You know what?  I'm gonna stop it, unzip a new one, and delete the old one at my leisure.  How bout dem apples.
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    Ok... I'm going to test it.
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    Ok its fixed.  Got a mess of folders that need to be cleared in the FTP directory... but at least the world is up!
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    restarted. don't fail me again, admiral.
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    I killed it this time :/ Same deal.
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    huh did I do something? :D or is there another Admiral around? :DDD
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    yeah. the server crashed.. hasn't come back up yet, either
  • Member, Wiki Editor
    youll cowards dont even know how to not crash a server
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    nothing to do with me, mate. probably an architect :P
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    dang it guys.  ill fix it in a minute.  
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    I never see this discussion update - might be faster if you tweet me or PM me on here (ill get a notification/email on my phone that way).  Either way I was out all afternoon anyway.
  • Arbiter
    neb pls post cell number, home number, office number, pager number, twitter, linked in, myspace, home address pls. that way we can get into contact with you easier for these emergencies 
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    @helmerman.  That's all you're getting.

    screen sessions are being a little screwy - I'm looking into it.
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    I killed the screens but now the session won't bind the port 25565 like a good little server... says its already in use??  argh
  • Arbiter
    day 36 with no shirecraft.. feeling.. weak..
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    k its fixed.
  • Lord, Arbiter, Engineer
    Oh hi I just got home and my email client is full of 'New post: Server down?'

    Thanks Neb
  • Arbiter
    k that one was totally me but i blame sam's poor construction skills
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    You are such a potato. I'm amazed you can even type. >.>

  • Lord
    edited March 2015
    If anyone crashes the server again from voxel or WE negligence, you're getting temp banned.  I'm really tired of this.
    Post edited by nebbers on
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    it's back up.
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    What now D:???
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    I don't know.. I was afk for 10 mins and then when I tabbed back, the server had gone down...
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    Thats exactly what happened to me... I swear if I lost progress on my build I'm gonna hurt someone.


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