Website maintenance in progress
Shire Census 2016

Member, Wiki Editor
Hey guys, after one week of data collection and painfully advertising the census survey at every opportunity I get, 50 entries have been collected. As a result I proudly present the census results to you:

This information is accurate as of 09, July 2016.
Amount of Entries: 50
Of the 50 entries, 88% agreed to use their usernames for identification, while 12% decided to remain anonymous.
Part 1/3: Personal Information
Of the 50 entries, an overwhelming 92% who answered this question are male on the server, with only 6% female and 2% unspecified. This puts us right in the ballpark of gender census polls conducted by Reddit's /r/minecraft in August 2015, which records that 94% of its user base being male, and 6% being female.
Age: (I wasn't able to properly order the age brackets in the legends on Google sheets unfortunately)
The Shire seems to have a predominantly teenage player base, with just under 70% under the age of 20. The oldest member we have recorded is above the age of 31, while the youngest is between the ages of 11 to 13. There is nobody surveyed under the age of 10. The largest bracket is the 17-19 year old range, at 39.6%.
Half the people on The Shire are unsurprisingly from the United States, evident from the server's activity. Over 90% of The Shire lives in the Anglosphere. 28% of surveyed individuals are from the United Kingdom, while only 10% of Canadians trail at a distant third. There is only one Swede surveyed and one Australian. The remaining 8% come from all over the world, including Denmark, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
Ethnic Background:
With the majority of The Shire living in Anglosphere nations, there is a clear majority of Shire members being of European descent. Though there is significant diversity within the server as well, with 12.2% of the members being of multiracial backgrounds. Following the majority lead of 63.3% of white Shire members, Asian backgrounds trail at 12.2% with the majority of Asians living in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Post edited by Hay on
Part 2/3: Minecraft Information
The Shire Playtime:
The vast majority of our members surveyed played between 0 to 200 hours. Not surprising, since most of the surveyed originate from the Reddit post and other affiliated news sites on June 23, 2016. There is one datapoint sitting at 2,946 hours, though I was not able to add that into the histogram as it skewed the margins a bit too much. (The data were grouped in 1000s instead of 200s)
Minecraft Playtime:
22 of the 29 surveyed reported to have played between 0 to 2000 hours. One member reported 11,000 hours of playtime, though that was also omitted from the histogram for better analysis. A lot of data was excluded from the histogram due to unprocessable information. (Answers such as "a shit ton" is omitted)
Percent of time spent on The Shire:
With the two collected data, it is easy to find out how dedicated our members are by dividing the amount of time spent on The Shire by the amount of time spent playing Minecraft. As a large majority of the survey takers are new members, over half of the eligible data recorded that they have spent less than or equal to 20% of their playtime on The Shire. Two members listed even recorded 100% participation rate on The Shire!
Ranks on The Shire: (Color corrected images: here)
The plurality of survey respondents are recorded as Yeomen. 18% of all survey takers are staff members, making it 1 staff for every 5 players as a result from this survey. There is 1 recorded Architect in this survey (me), and a disturbing lack of Mavens. A gracious 36% of survey takers have all donated $15 or more to the server, that is a surprisingly high amount, and we thank you for keeping the server alive. 4% of respondents are not members of The Shire (Gaijin), but are welcome anytime!
Members of the Shire:
Since this survey was conducted to showcase our new members, it is of no surprise that a majority of Shire members come from Reddit. The rest are from other news websites, friend referrals, and more archaic server advertising methods that we used back in 2011-12.
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Part 3/3: Opinions of the Shire
Among the surveyed, 100% of the respondents stated that they are content with The Shire:
"Believe me, folks. Everyone loves me"
Some reasons cited are:
"Because the members are more mature and tolerable than the majority of the Minecraft player base; we also have a very small yet extremely close community."
"because andy is amaze"
"The community is great. Everyone is very helpful and kind."
"The people are great, and I have adequate freedom to build."
"Despite the recent influx of the new members, the Shire still maintains its unique and diverse community of both friendly and mature members. I'm also happy that most of us are accepting of each other regardless of our backgrounds."
And a neutral: "People are generally okay I guess"
Some more complaints towards The Shire for grounds for improvement are:
"Morris because of his statue"
"Morris isn't meme enuf."
"Morris makes really ugly stripper statues"
"Morris for including this question in the servey"
It seems like most people have issues with this guy named "Morris", maybe he should be banned?
And this concludes the results of the Shire Census 2016. Stay tuned for Shire Census 2017 and I hope this presentation addresses some curiosity that people have. Staff members will have access to the entirety of the results for more detailed responses on complaints, suggestions, and compliments.
Have a wonderful day on The Shire!
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I say we start a petition to ban this 'Morris' guy. I heard hes been manipulating official Shire census results.20
All joking aside, This is a really great post giving us the results of the census while respecting the trust that members put in you when giving you their information. Thank you for being responsible with the answers! I hope you do this census regularly, Morris!!Hey, is it a coincidence that your name is the same as this guy that we should think about banning because he got so many complaints?12
Very interesting results! It's always cool to witness the diverse community that we are lucky to have!4
[quote=Morris_h]@hay it is a personal philosophy of mine to confront complaints head-on[/quote]Does part of that confronting of complaints include putting super ugly stripper statues that look like the poster image for Polio Vaccines in Baltimore out of their misery?Post edited by CoffeeAndChill on14
Believe me folks - the Shire is a total disaster right now because of Crooked Morris. We're going to build a wall to keep folks like Morris out of the Shire. Believe me folks, it will be a yuge wall, and we'll make Morris pay for it. We're going to make the Shire great again. #MorrisForPrison2016 #10FeetHigher #AllAboardTheNebTrain #MTSGA16
[quote="nebbers;6813"]We're going to make the Shire great again. #MorrisForPrison2016 #10FeetHigher #AllAboardTheNebTrain #MTSGA
Eh, you have my vote.
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awesome results.2
Welp I guess I'm that one Australian *straya*2
hmu when the next census happens cuz I always wanna participate but I always miss it :c0
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Good job with the information.0
So much for the 2017 Census lol...0
Community Moderator
Removed from announcements0 -
Hello where is my badge Dr andy0
We need a new one of these things