Website maintenance in progress
Artsy Fartsy
Most of you have probably seen all my drawings I did this summer, but just in case you haven't.2
These are amazing o.o4
If that was to me, thank you!1
Twas indeed to you.2
I'm actually a film student. I'm extremely passionate in the film department, and while I am able to understand the workings of almost every role in the process of filmmaking, I am most well versed in directing. One of my biggest goals when I make a film is to incite some sort of emotional reaction from my audiences; it's always nice when your film makes people genuinely laugh, cry, etc. Here's an example of one of my most recent films:This film was actually entered into a film festival earlier in the year, and ended up winning 5 awards.Let me know if it stirred up an emotion in you! x3332
[quote="Liandria21;3890"]I'm actually a film student. I'm extremely passionate in the film department, and while I am able to understand the workings of almost every role in the process of filmmaking, I am most well versed in directing. One of my biggest goals when I make a film is to incite some sort of emotional reaction from my audiences; it's always nice when your film makes people genuinely laugh, cry, etc. Here's an example of one of my most recent films:This film was actually entered into a film festival earlier in the year, and ended up winning 5 awards.Let me know if it stirred up an emotion in you! x333[/quote]
This is really good, I'd love to see more of your work1 -
I second Andy's opinion on this! It was really beautiful. Keep up the good work, Lia! o/
1 -
That was awesome, @liandria21! Would love to see more as well =D1
@liandria21 Everything I've wanted to say about the movie has been said by everyone else xD A very good short movie and it's no surprise that it won a few awards! I would love to see what you could do with even more professional equipment in the future - a lot of the angles in it were shot really well!1
Thanks, guys! x33I have my big IB film final coming up in the near future, and I'll also probably end up making another one or two short films for the next film festival coming up in the nearer future, so I'll be sure to share them with y'all when they're done. For now though... here's another fun little short short:I made this short short 2 years ago (it was during my experimental period), but to this day it's still one of my favourite short films I've created x33 Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! xDDD0
[quote="Liandria21;3909"]Thanks, guys! x33[/quote]I have my big IB film final coming up in the near future, and I'll also probably end up making another one or two short films for the next film festival coming up in the nearer future, so I'll be sure to share them with y'all when they're done. For now though... here's another fun little short short:I made this short short 2 years ago (it was during my experimental period), but to this day it's still one of my favourite short films I've created x33 Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do! xDDD
I may never sleep again
More! More! :-D *throws roses and money*1 -
Liandra - your vids were great! Konegido - awesome pics, where are the graphics for the Shire though?0
So @KuitehKui has led me to resurfacing stories once written but then stored away and soon lost amidst piles of dust in old storage rooms known as Lia's Wordpress page and hard drive. It was quite the rediscovery. Since I very quickly realised that I had apparently removed everything but the stories on my Wordpress page, I uploaded the rediscovered stories from the hard drive onto the Wordpress page for Kui to read. Thought I'd share them here, too. I think they should be in chronological order o-o... Doesn't necessarily have to be read that way, but for the 2 POV stories you might wanna read Mayka's before Jayden's. x3Anwa... Some of them suck so much I wanna shoot myself for even writing them, and others make me cry at how much my writing has probably decreased in skill. [If you didn't read in the Skype group chat when Kui and I were discussing my shitty stories, I'll point out now: the hard drive ones which I uploaded... I slightly edited 1-2 of them so it didn't suck as much. Flippin tense change right in the middle for flip's sake. That def had to be changed. I think the other one was because a few words were missing from the original, so I just filled in best I could.]On that note, enjoy! ~~~maybe.WARNING: some of them are dark af. [primarily, "The Game of Fates" and definitely the excerpt from "Gone"]YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! x333 [yeeee giant cat face]Post edited by Liandria21 on4
Very nice.0
Y'all know I dabble in mazes (see link in my signature). I haven't made one in like 6 years (with exception to the Minecraft maze).. but I thought I'd take another crack at it. So here is my Rhett & Link / Good Mythical Morning themed maze. Google them if you're not familiar - they are 'Internetainers' and have a popular Youtube show. Anyway.... cheers.It looks hard but its probably a 4/10 difficulty. And there are 4 different endings. Start at the base of the flame and then find your way to one of the four stars on the mountains.7
I discovered that the main app I was using the draw records the input and can be exported to a video. So I did just that. Come watch as the maze spreads across the canvas like a cancer.4
Another maze, only crappier than the previous one. This time it is themed on the Stuff You Should Know podcast. I guess I'm making a whole series of mazes on my favorite youtube channels and podcasts, haha.4