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City lighting updates for updates.


Currently working on the lighting update that became possible with the last lantern block update.

Going to take some time.....๐Ÿคจ

What has been YOUR largest update to be applied to your build/s? How long did it take YOU?


  • Snow Burnt

    Oranjestad would take a long time to upgrade. But it still looks good as it is.

  • Narcs121
    Narcs121 Member, Wiki Editor

    Updating the blocks of the commercial zone in Frankrikeshavn with the addition of polished andesite slabs and others. Didn't take me long as I asked for WorldEdit on this one.

  • Hay
    Slowly working on tiny changes to all the major buildings in Laurelian. The biggest update I did that took the longest was changing all the street lamps to ones that were made of lanterns and new blocks. Took about an hour with copypasta. Lol
  • Snow Burnt
    Not too bad.
  • Wuggeh0
    Wuggeh0 Member, Wiki Editor

    2-3 hours to update to lanterns in most buildings in Paarsdam.