Website maintenance in progress
@Sammiches822 , do you have any comments regarding the lawsuit between James R. Romino & Jessica Freeman? Is there any connections between the Fulfwotz Monarchy & The Xan Clan? Is Crime.NET real, or is an urban folklore created to scare would-be criminals?
And here's the bastard son of his that he had with a female human that has yet to come forward: Little Kitten
That ain't what Sammus actually looks like. I should know, because I met him once & took a picture. Here it is:
@Hay I don't understand what you're talking about. There wasn't any lead actress in GIC. If I remember correctly from the WEAZEL NEWS articles, during the casting portion, Samuel Arlington (The Director) wanted a 16-year-old male, who was also transgender, to be cast in the role of the main protagonist. This is why Jessica…
@Hay Subliminals? I don't quite understand what you mean. Clearly, the film had none of those secret "They Live"-style messages. If you're looking for subliminals in films, I'd advise investigating the works of Samuel Arlington. Several strange things have been reported during viewings of his films (I.E: Subliminal…
I like this new look. Feels a lot refreshing if I say so.
For once, the Emperor shouldn't get away with just a slap on the wrist. But, these are just the thoughts of one person.
Actually, they're meant to be watched out of chronological order, in Simlish (Without Subtitles) & all while drunk and high on Cocaine, with the Knight Rider theme looping on your nearby radio.
Still waiting on the sequel... if it's even in production.
I'm pretty sure Hay said your Ban was permanent, but I'm probably wrong. Either way, I don't think you're ready to return yet. @Hay Just letting you know about this.
Praise our new god Andy (aka @CoffeeAndChill ), for he shall deliver us to the promised lands of Shirecraft!
Whoever this mysterious "Andy" is... Thank you.
Got a 2DS, but I'm on vacation atm, so I ain't got it atm
Well I'm sold. Now I need to get a PC again.
Congrats on the purchase of the Vault @Hay . I'd be interested in seeing the Museum in-game upon completion. If you need help with writing brief descriptions of each artefact, allow me to assist if you're interested.
I'm surprised only one person participated in this competition. But kudos to Slyy for that build. What should we expect the next Competition to be set around?
I'm with Nebbers. Show us the pictures of the build or the chap is disqualified.
Wait... who are you?
His Name Was Reissman Pontevirra
To quote a fictional parody of the real-life terrorist Osam Ben Ladle (Who was eventually assassinated by Oranjestadian Marines in 2011 following several attacks across the Shire) from the movie Postal 1.5 (By Mitchell Bay & Uwe Ball): (OOC note: This comment itself is a parody of Osama Bin Laden's final words from the…
We understand why the offer for Pennsy was declined due to the reasons above. However, construction of our 1st City (Known as Brit-City One) is set to begin sometime in Early 2019 (IRL: I need new PC before I can start building) We'd appreciate it if Oranjestad was able to supply building materials in exchange for minerals…
In light of the removal of Neb's Mountain Home from the auction, we, the Judge's, have turned our attention to Pennsy. Our offer from the previous location still stands, so choose wisely.
Nebbers has one new audio message. Would you like to open it? [Clicks yes] Opening mp3 file. Title: "Bidding Offer for Neb's Mountain Home" | Sender: [ERROR]@[ERROR].com Greetings to the rulers of Oranjestad. As you may recall, we, the Judge's, were unsuccessful in obtaining the settlement known as "Voynich". However, we…
In response to a rival bid by the Solurian Empire for Voynich, we, the Judge's, have decided to extend the original offer to include a extremely rare "Gold" copy of Pintendo Shire Championship on the Pintendo Entertainment System for Lord Nebbers. Currently, the game is sitting on a value of $7.5 Million for the "Gold"…
Unfortunately, I've no PC as well, so I can't join the server for the time being. Hopefully I'll be back before 2018 is over.
Nebbers has one new audio message. Would you like to open it? Clicks yes Opening mp3 file. Title: "Bidding Offer for Voynich" | Sender: [ERROR]@[ERROR].com Greetings to the current rulers of Oranjestad. We, the Judge's, are interested in acquiring the location you call "Voynich" for the purpose of creating a home base for…
Out of interest, am I able to bid for one of these places if I'm a Tyrule?
"Hello There." "General Kenobi!"
Damn... that's a long page. Good work Sammiches.
Who is this "Andy"?