Website maintenance in progress
I hope there is one! I love participating in BCs!
I think it would be better if The Shire stayed unmodded. I feel like the thing that makes this server so great is that it isn't modded very much. Modding it will seem to me like "ruining" what makes Minecraft great. If we can just add new blocks, what is the point of being creative? The fun of creative mode is that we can…
Any new warps?
I can help furnish in places too
I can do Virago. A blacksmith village could be fun!
Wow! What renderer did you use?
Can I ask a favor? I will not be on very much anymore because of school, but I would love it if the warp hall was kept up. If you guys could do your best to keep it updated, that would be a huge help. I give you all permission to add and edit any warp you want to. I would like it if this wasn't just something that everyone…
Sounds good Blith. If you ever decide that you don't want to work on the website, I'm happy to help. It would be a lot of fun, I have some ideas.
i'll add it, any others?
Im adding equos, babylon, opera, ebethron, pangea, and isengard. Some of my favorites.
I know that I have said that a sci-fi theme would be fun, but I have an even batter idea: Wizard Towers.Everyone loves wizard towers! I bet most people on this server have built one in the past, and will do so again. It is a more specific BC than just "fantasy," but it still would be really fun. It is a great way to take a…
Oops! I kind of miscounted. I thought I only had room for 16 warps on the ground floor, but there is actually room for 24! Wow. Right now, we have 18 (Blith's list, plus clementine and athitica) What should the others be?
What should be substituted for clementine and/or athitica then?
Looks good! Hay, I'll put athitica on the next floor.
OK people, this is a BIG question. I need 16 of the best, most important builds in The Shire to put on the ground floor of the great hall. Obviously Oranjestad, Venice, Fulfwotz, and Mainland will be included. What should the other 12 be? I don't know the server well enough to decide. This is mostly a question for the…
ok! Based on Hay's idea, there are 6 categories that I can work with:Stand-Alone Buildings (college, castles, religious shrines, etc)Cities (and Subdistricts)Rank LocationsTowns (and their Subdistricts)Villages (and their Subdistricts)Other
My original plan was geographically. I'll look into the by type category. That could actually make it easier to find for new gajins. Thanks hay
And one more thing, can a lord give me a list of all 16 regions so I can label them?
Thanks guys! I would love help adding details, enderkilla, details are not my strong suit.
@Hay , thanks for understanding! It is a good point that not many people want to build spaceships. That is why I think it would be a really fun and unusual BC.
@Hay , I am SO sorry if that post seemed mean! That was not my intent! Now that I am rereading it, I understand that it seems like I was criticizing and "challenging" you guys. I only meant that it would be more difficult and unusual to build a futuristic build than it would be to build a greek one, so I thought it would…
Dsmoot made the best build, but iwantcoal's was so interesting and neat that I voted for him
A sci-fi theme could even bring about pop-culture builds from Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, etc.
Greek sounds fun, but it seems a bit stereotypical. I would like to point out that pretty much every build in The Shire is a modern or medieval city. I would love to see what you master builders could build in the science fiction genre. Shire craft has way too many castles, but a BC about futuristic tech could encourage…
@nebbers All I need is the region names, and the warps categorized by region. Also, about how many warps are in each region? Thanks for the help
Where can I find a list of the regions?
Ok @nebbers , that is fine. All I need is the region each warp is in
Hey guys! I'm back! So... I've been posting A LOT about this build, so sorry. Also sorry to nebbers for asking him to categorize the warps.I've decided to destroy what I have so far in the warp hall and start from scratch. The new design will have a better categorization system, room for many more warps, and most…
Thanks for the input! I'm going on vacation so I'll be taking a break for about a week. I realize that the warp hall has many flaws and looks terrible right now, but I have many ideas for improvement.