Website maintenance in progress
(Update) The walls are up, and the roof is on. As all art goes, the build has drastically changed direction. Interior design can prove to be more difficult to line up with the exterior, so currently working inside. Windows and other exterior features will be added at a later date.
Way cool. My son was excited to see his name up for some of the achievements listed.
This has been fixed for me. Thank you.
Hey guys/gals. Been on the survival server, and its been real good so far. Its been about six months sense I have been on the shire, and I have missed it. Glad to be back.
If you guys need any help, let me know. LittleBro and I have set up base not too far from spawn. Still getting the basics in order.
Is that the old map?
My kids got animal crossing, so testing that out on the switch light. Shire survival. Worked in creative some. Also get to play Trail blazer maintenance. Change the six spark plugs, and one coil. (Not really a game.)
Fresh start. Cool. Will any thing be planed for the survival spawn?
Yay, modern builds. I also build modern. Welcome.
Not too bad.
Oranjestad would take a long time to upgrade. But it still looks good as it is.
Welcome. After rock climbing, I’m sure you really do like that sleeping.
Welcome to The Shire.
Valashian V Star Tanks are built for "Defensive" proposes only. The annex of Exton is only rumors....or is it?
Thanks! But I got the rest needed from the “Path Of Pain” today. We could always expand the rail as well.
Local rail around the village is 75 percent complete. Iron shortage has slowed progress, so more mining is required. Rest of the village looks great guys! Good work.
Welcome Scrawly.
Welcome. Enjoy!
Hey, Welcome. Hope you enjoy the Shire.
Welcome. Hope to see you around the shire. Enjoy!
I sure did. Thanks!
Any winner yet? My rental for the X-Wing is about to expire.
Welcome to the shire. Best place to build and hang out in town. Enjoy!
Farm is almost complete at the village. Cactus has been the most recent addition. Pigs are the only farm item missing. Bacon any one?
A mysterious lake has been discoverd outside the villages boundary's. Someone has placed a sign naming the lake "Mystic Lake". (No wonder, it glows!) Looks like a great place to build.
The tunnel from spawn to the "Village", is now operational. If you look to the ocean at spawn, and follow the shore to the right, you will run into the bridge. The tunnel begins were the bridge touches the land. The builders/miners who helped make the build possible, may post there name in the comment section below. Thanks…
I ordered my build from a "Far off galaxy".