Website maintenance in progress
I'd like to sign up as well!
[quote="Andy;5254"]Has everything that people want to keep been moved to the main world?[/quote] everything that I know of, yes
I saw that post earlier, yeah, their map is garbage, manly because nothing is planned it looked like.
@GJRickard if those are seriously the specs from your computer, then how the fck cant you run MC with shaders xD
I've moved the gnaar Clan Island near /warp hyrule (just north of there). So all I need to do is move GJ's 2 bases and that's all I know of that needs/wants to be moved.
I tried to promote him, but idk the command or if I even have access to it. he's coo!
[quote="GJRickard;5146"] I actually liked the extreme terrain as it was great for people who built their bases inside mountains.. (Mine is ^.^) If I could, can I get my TWO bases at least saved to the new world? thnks zino. <3[/quote] Yeah! Just show me where they are when I get on :)
I'm sure you can do it sam, after all, you have /gm in survival so I would assume we have world edit perms there too
[quote="Andy;5117"]We're resetting the survival world. I'll release the worldedit restrictions (on request - nag me) to staff who want to copy cool stuff over to the main world.[/quote] Yeah, Im currently in the process of scouting it out to see whats worth keeping. and, now that Im realizing how small the world boarder…
I still think we need a new one when 1.9 is out. And yeah copy over the cool stuff
Guys. I took the test 3 times to be sure, and every time I got ENTJ - A, THE COMMANDER. Idk how to add the pic to here or link whatever so here's screenshots
Wait. What's a shirecon?
[quote="Jimmy;4890"]maybe do a large biomes world instead of a extreme terrain next time?[/quote] I would actually prefer a large biomes, as oppose to extreme terrain all the time.
My minecraft name is Zyno69, we should definitely play together sometime.